Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Thank You!

I would like to take just a minute to thank you all for your many, many, MANY, calls, comments, encouraging words, cards, and well wishes that you have offered to me over the past few days. I loved working for the McKnight Church and will miss working with you all in that capacity, but will NOT miss the 11:30 p.m. phone calls about building availabilty, the last minute bulletin requests, or the endless mounds of paper that were required for some things. I am SO EXCITED to be "just" a member at McKnight, and worship God with you every Sunday without having to "play" secretary on Sundays!

God is doing amazing things at McKnight, and I am thankful to be a part of it. He has answered my prayer in many ways about my employment with the church, and while I will miss it, I know that He has something different in mind for me. I seek your prayers as I try to figure what His plan is.

I'd like to challenge all of my readers to pray for our eldership, our deacons, our staff, our ministry leaders, and the membership of McKnight. Please pray that God will give each one of us open eyes, open ears, and open hearts to do HIS will, and that we will unite together into a body that wants nothing more than to bring Him glory and honor. Finally, please pray that God will supply us with a new minister, a new secretary, and a new bookkeeper that will help to fulfill His purpose at McKnight.

I love you all, and your encouragement and prayers mean a great deal to me.


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