Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Does light expose darkness, or does darkness corrupt light?


Anonymous said...

light exposes darkness. Would we know what darkness was without light?

Guatorean Daddy said...

All I know is....this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Too often I "hide it under a bushel". At least I try and keep my light, well, lit for the dark world to see.

Anonymous said...

darkness is simply an inability to percieve light. . .plain and simple. . .a blind person, who "sees" only darkness, sees nothing, they simply are unable to percive light. ..

when you walk into a dark room, there is no percievable light source, but the lght has not failed to exist, it may simply be obscured by the walls and ceiling of the room, or by the rotation of the earth, (the viewer being turned away from the light of the sun)

During an eclipse, the sun is obscured y the moon, earth, etc. ..the light has not ceased to exist, it has simply been blocked by a barrier. . .

I would say that the answer to your question is: "Niether" Light does not "expose darkness" Darkness does not "corrupt light". . .very simply, there are things, in this world, in our hearts, in our experiences which become a barrier in our ability to see the world as it is.

I am assuming that we are speaking metaphorically, and in that sense, I will say this: Everything that we veiw n this world is tinted and obscured to SOME degree. . .we will NEVER in this existence know and understand fully and purely. . .all that we know, see, feel, and experience is sent though a filter, or seen from a perspective, and is therefore, subjectified by our intellect, our physiology, our emotions, our culture, etc. If an individual is having a difficult time seeing the brightness of the world, I would say that there is SOMETHING that is acting as a barrier to obscure accurate perception (a "cataract" on the spirit, if you will) How do we remove these barriers? How do we change our perspective and thus change our perceptions? delicately but decisively. And a little at a time. . .fortunately, clear perception is a journey, NOT a destination. . .Grace covers us all on our journey!

Much love and good thoughts to you,

