Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Two Crazy Girls!

As I have said many, many times...I love my job. The picture below was taken at work on Halloween. I am not really one for dressing up for Halloween, but as a staff we decided to do it, so I participated. You mat be wondering who the other woman in the picture is. This is Dona, who just so happens to be the best boss in the world. She always feels short next to me, as she towers in at a wopping 5'0, so she decided to stand on a chair for the picture! Sometimes she is so silly. She is a lot of fun.

Dona is not only a great boss, she is a great example to me too. She often reminds me to think first, pray often, and take every opportunity to grow and learn something new. She is teaching me so much about business and how to be a good manager. She recognizes my strengths and helps me to identify areas in my life (both professionally and personally) that could use a little improvement. She offers suggestions of how to do some things better, and has asked me to teach others some of the things that I do well. She has encouraged me to use my talents for the glory of God, and to put God first, family second, and job third.

I am thankful for my job. It is great to work some place where God is shared openly, and where there is always something fun going on!


Jason Harbison said...

Great picture! I am so happy that you found a job that you are appreciated at and mentored!

Guatorean Daddy said...

What a great situation you have found yourself in!