Monday, September 18, 2006


Stare at the four little dots in the picture below (between the 2 hearts) for 30 seconds, Then look at a blank wall near you..... A Bright spot will appear- Now Blink a few times.........Who or what do you see?


Anonymous said...

ah! its JESUS!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought it was George Harrison circa 1970.

I guess Jesus works too.

Anonymous said...

Your comment is offensive and if this was my blog I would delete you.

Jason Harbison said...'s Jesus!

Becky said...

I love that! Does anyone else's Jesus keep moving to the right? I did it twice and it won't stay still! That is so cool though!

Anonymous said...

George Harrison? Offensive?

If it had been identified as Charles Manson. . .THAT would have been offensive.

Anonymous said...

i personally am wondering why that comment was so offensive?

I mean, we KNOW what George Harrison looked like (and Charles Manson for that matter). . .but we really DON'T know what Jesus looked like.

I think that the strength of Jesus is not in finding an ethnocentric way of looking at him, but of emulating his teachings. . .am I wrong?

Jenny Reijgers said...

mine won't stay still either, cool trick though. Who's George Harrison anyways?

Anonymous said...

George Harrison was one of the Beatles. He died a couple of years ago.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that no one responded to the previous post on Conni's Blog.

Isn't it amazing that people instantly "recognize" an image of Jesus, but were deafeningly silent on the blog post where Conni asks Christians what it means to "Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of Himself".

I wonder why the Dichotomy? Why are we, as people, so easily attached to an "Image" but unable to understand personality and character?

So, we DON'T know what Jesus looked like (he may have been George Harrison's twin) but we DO know how he acted.