Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Doo Run Run

Wow, it is amazing to me how quickly we become "old."

Here is a picture of the love of my life when I was about 8 years old. Trust me- it just didn't get any cuter than this in the mind of an 8 year old!

Today, Mr. Shaun Cassidy turns 48 years old! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? 48 YEARS OLD?! My, my how time passes us by so fast! Here is what he looks like today.

In my opinion, he still looks pretty good. I wonder if he is still singing, "I met her on a Monday, and my heart stood still- the doo-run-run-run, the doo-run-run-run..."

I have 2 questions for my readers today:

1. Who was your childhood heart throb?

2. What specifically is the "Doo-Run-Run?"


Anonymous said...

I like this song a lot.

Jenny Reijgers said...

my biggest crushes were Kirk Cameron and Chris O'donnell. I know you and i aren't that far apart in age but i've never heard of that Cassidy guy.

Anonymous said...

I loved Johnny Depp (circa 21 Jumpstreet.)

Of course, there is my 20 year crush on Richie Sambora (from Bon Jovi) that has NEVER gone away. He is my husband's only real competition...LOL!!! I don't think my husband has anything to worry about.

Anonymous said...

I still to this day..and if you know me at already know this...but I live and breath Donny Osmond!!!! I even got to see him last year. Most people think I am still crazy. It takes me back to the days of an 8 year old in a simple world!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I loved him too! But my real heart throb was....
Andy Gibb!!!! I had a tshirt, and a pillow case with his face on it! If Andy were alive today, Edward would have ALOT of competition, LOVED that thick blond, flowing hair! :)