Thursday, March 30, 2006

Nancy Grace and our 12 year old

Our daughter (who is 12) sent this to me at work today and I thought I'd share! (by the way dear daughter of ours...MIDNIGHT is a little late to be on the internet, even if it is Spring Break!)

So after I got kicked of the internet at midnight last night I turned on the TV. There was NOTHING on. I flipped passed MTV and VH1 (which is not the usual me) and didn’t even watch Rosanne on Nick at Night (I’m my mother’s daughter!) So I turned on the Nancy Grace Show. I saw that on CNN they had the story of the preacher at 4th street who was shot by his wife. My hometown is Henderson, which is like 15 minutes from Selmer where all this happened, and also being a member of the Church of Christ I kept it on. They started out with all of the stuff we’ve heard before, affairs, abuse etc, etc, etc. Then they went into why they think she snapped. The moderator replied, “Well many people believe that the Church of Christ is a cult, the have many cult like qualities.” I WAS FURIOUS! This is why CNN says that the Church of Christ is a Cult:

We have a single Leader- HELLO, we have ELDERS and DEACONS! And we don’t have an over all leader outside of individual churches, are you going to call the catholic church a cult because they have the Pope?

We try to isolate members- We do? Last time I checked I go to a public school…..

Members happy and enthusiastic- YAH! IS THAT A BAD THING???

We’re experimental rather than logical- Uh… Every thing we say comes out of the BIBLE!

We hide what we teach- Yeah since the Bible is just kept so hidden

We say we’re the only true group- I’ll be honest there are Churches of Christ out there that say that say that, not all of them do but you’ll find churches in any denomination that say they’re the only ones.

So suddenly the whole show was turned around from debating about the Preachers wife to debating whether or not the Church of Christ was a cult! They called numerous Rabbis, Priests, Ministers and Hindu Leaders on there to debate. Nancy said, “Well I’m just a Methodist Girl!” Well here’s my question to you Nancy Grace; if a Methodist minister’s wife committed a crime, would you want people to badmouth your denomination on national television? I don’t think so….


Anonymous said...

She is 12? She is Amazingly articulate. Maybe she could take Nancy Grace's job in "journalism."

Anonymous said...

I don't like Nancy Grace very much at all. My husband refers to her as a loud mouth -----, well, I won't say exactly what he calls her. I think we should probably take what she, and CNN, say with a grain of salt when it comes to religion.

I am a Catholic myself, born and raised. Growing up in the south has meant that I have heard *many* comments about the Catholic Church, and most of those comments weren't very friendly at all.

I think it is just best to ignore people who make uneducated comments about any particular religion/denomination.