Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The question was asked, and the answer came back as a definite, “No!” That makes it two times that I have asked, and two times that I have been told, “No!” I must admit I am somewhat frustrated with the rationale behind my surgeon’s desire for me to take just a few more weeks off. I feel great, really, I do. Now, don’t start telling me that I am known for overdoing, and not resting and not taking care of myself. I have heard that lecture 263 times in the past 7 months. I KNOW! But this time is different…I promised him that I would take it easy and that I would rest if I got tired. He didn’t buy it. (Does that surprise anyone?) He almost sounded parental as he said, “Did you hear me when I said that I want you to take the full recovery time?” Why does he always get his way?

I’ll be honest; his refusal to sign the release creates a moral dilemma for me. I feel really good. I feel good enough to go to the mall, attend church, hang out with friends, go to parties, volunteer at CFS, and pretty much lead my normal life. I still have a few problems with lifting, bending, and stretching, but that will come in time. So anyway, it makes me feel very strange to take part in most of my normal activities, but not go to work. It feels wrong, and I hate it. I think that if I am well enough to go to the mall, I am well enough to go to work. But what do I know?

So, I have struck out twice. I will be praying that when I see him again at the end of December that he give me his blessing (and signature on the release) to go back to work. Please keep this situation in your prayers, and pray that I don’t go stir crazy before he releases me!

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