Saturday, December 03, 2005

The 12 Days of Christmas- the Harbison Way

As we were watching “The Happiest Elf” last night, we were talking about our favorite things about Christmas. So, we decided to come up with our “Top 12.” (Feel free to sing along to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas!) As a side note, this picture was taken of Bekah on Christmas 1995- she was 2 1/2. Here are our favorites. What are yours?

12 (million) lights a glowing

11 Green Bean Casseroles (just for Bekah)

10 Christmas Carols

9 Pounds of Fudge

8 Christmas Presents

7 Turtle Cheesecakes (do I look fat in these pants?)

6 Christmas Specials

5 Bazillion Friends (give or take a few!)

4 Christmas Parties

3 Family Members (plus a few special elves)

2 Christmas Parades

1 Baby Jesus for me! (and you, and you, and you...)

1 comment:

Bradford L. Stevens said...

Living near Tillies Park you get your wish on the Christmas lights every year!