Thursday, August 14, 2008


1. Gymnasts who are under 16 should not win Gold medals.
2. Saying goodbye to a good friend is hard to do, but planning a goodbye party is fun!
3. 4 cases of beer and 24 bottles of wine make for a very heavy load!
4. Chatter is sometimes irritating.
5. Michael Phelps is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
6. Rules/Policies are needed- but some are stupid, and I hate enforcing them.
7. I won an award today at work... it is somewhat humerous- I'll write about that tomorrow.
8. It's too late to eat a snack- but I am hungry.
9. Focus Groups are awesome... especially when they pay you a good amount of money to give your opinion!
10. Things are not always as they seem- so look carefully.
11. I am tired, and it is time for bed!
12. Goodnight.

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