Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sugar or Salt?

Alright, Here is another survey question. Ya' know that feeling that you get at around 2:30 in the afternoon, or at 9:45 in the evening when you just have to have a little snack? Would you prefer a salty snack or a sugary snack?


Anonymous said...

I like a little of both. However, given the choice of only one, I would choose sweet.

Last night we had some crackers with strawberry cream cheese, so we had a little of both.

Anonymous said...

Sweets - especially CHOCOLATE a

Anonymous said...

It really depends, if I am feeling sluggish I usually tend to go for the sugary substances...but if I just have the munchies I do like my Doritos and Ranch Dip!

Jason Harbison said...

Big Kit Kat bar at 3pm does the body good