Wednesday, January 24, 2007



How old is this person?

Please read...

We live in a scary world... protect your children.


Anonymous said...

He's not middle school age.

Anonymous said...

Well, my son will be 15 next month and my son looks a heckuva lot younger than that guy, even though my son looks older than 15.

At first I thought it was about a middle school TEACHER. I am not sure how he pulled off being 12, this is very scary.

Jason Harbison said...

Just plain scary! What is the world coming to.

Anonymous said...

umm yeah so he really doesnt look like he belongs in middle school...its scarry that people do this, but its even more scarry that no one noticed that a 30 year old man was in their classroom. I mean come on...he has wrinkles around his mouth and bags under his eyes...he doesnt look even close to 12.