Saturday, December 02, 2006

Yucky Days!

What a terrible couple of days! Things in St. Louis have been a little less than fun over the past few days. Over 500,000 people are without power due to the recent ice storm, and considering it is supposed to be 12 degrees tonight, this is a bad, bad thing.

We are among the few who were lucky enough to have our power restored within about 48 hours. We are now back at home and warm. We spent the first night at home, and we were pretty chilly when we got up on Friday morning. Last night, we were going to stay with friends, but the girls were so crazy we decided to stay at the church so they could run and scream and play basketball until the wee hours of the morning. When it was all said and done, we wound up staying at my mom's, since she got her power back last night. We were comfortable and warm.

I have some pictures of what the storm left behind that I will try to post tomorrow. For now, I am thankful to be at home with my family. I am thankful for friends who are willing to help during a time of need and for a church family that pulls together when needed. I hope that you have power and heat, and that if you don't, you are safe and sound with family members and friends.

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