Sunday, December 17, 2006

A life full of blessings...

About a month or so ago, the dryer finally gave out for good and we purchased a new one.
About two weeks ago, St. Louis was hit with a major ice storm and we were without power and heat for about 48 hours in very low temperatures.
Last weekend, the washer gave out for good and we are trying to decide where we want to buy the new one.
Yesterday, we smelled gas in the house, and Laclede gas shut us down when they found the leak!

And yet, we are still smiling... no one is arguing... in spite of a little crabbiness, we are all fine.

We are blessed. We had money to purchase a new dryer.
We had friends and family to stay with when it was too cold to stay at home.
We have money to buy a new washer (even though I hate the idea of spending more money on a new appliance!)
We got out of the house before the gas leak hurt (or killed) anyone. We have friends who have been so generous offering their homes to us, and it is warm outside, so our house is not cold.

Christmas is a week away. We have a Lord who was born into this world to save it. We have two beautiful girls and a ton of friends. We have people who love us very much and people who we love very much. I have a great husband, and a wonderful relationship.

Yeah, it stinks that it seems like a lot of things are happening that could easily make me pretty crabby... but when I think about it, how could I be anything but thankful for the blessings God has so freely given!

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