Saturday, October 07, 2006

Weekend Update

Today has been a great day. Let me tell you why-

First, I spent the morning with my mom, and then had lunch with her. We went shopping, and we each bought new sweaters. I AM READY FOR FALL!

Then I came home, spent some time working on a project for work (which is now finished-HOORAY), and watched TV with Jason and the girls.

Mikki is feeling better, and although we can't prove that the great "event" has taken place, she acts like it has... but I don't intend to sift through.... well.... you get the point. She is eating, sleeping and playing pretty normally.

Then Jason, Mikki and I went for a walk together. Jason and I had a nice walk- Mikki decided she doesn't like the leash. I suppose she will get used to it. (We hope.)

Now we are getting ready to take the girls to a sleep-over and then Jason and I are going on a date. The date will be extra special because we won't even have to pay for it, thanks to a gift card that we received in the mail today from a special friend. (by the way, if that special friend happens to read this blog, THANK YOU for the gift card, and thank you for your very kind words in the card.)

Then we will likely come home, have a glass of wine and turn in.

How was your day?

1 comment:

Ed. Tritschler said...

Possibly equal or even better. Woke up this morning with two grandkids in the house as they spent the night so there parents could have a date. Tell Jason I had pancakes for breakfast.Then on to west County for a grandkid sitting job.Played catch with three grandchildren and yes I can still catch and throw.Tonight I grilled a steak to perfection and Nancy and I are about to see a movie.