Monday, October 23, 2006

Dove Evolution

This is simply amazing to me. The video speaks for itself. I don't need to say more, except that we all need to be prayerful for all of the young girls (and guys) out there who are being told that perfection is possible... when it is not. What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"...the people who did this to this girl have a very destorted view of beautiful. if this is beauty then i dont want to be beautiful. why are people these days so focused on looks and inanimate objects?...

--"Whoever dies with the most toys wins?"
But if he loses his soul, what has he gained in the end?
I'll take a shack on the rock
Over a castle in the sand--
-casting crowns

Bradford L. Stevens said...

I see in this video a desire of mankind to do what only God can do...make us new creatures. I agree with Jennifer that the focus on beauty of the physical body is a form of idolatry; but, the desire to go from the corrupt to the incorruptable is the hope of the resurection. I do think that God can remake us in His image in ways that we can't imagine. If man can come up with this example, just think how much more glorius God's design for each of us will be!