Friday, March 03, 2006

More Words of Wisdom

Today in the office we had a very interesting discussion about this quote:

"A pat on the back is only a few vertebrae from a kick in the pants, but the results are much better."

I say.....AMEN!

Anyone else like this one?


Guatorean Daddy said...

Around our house, G usually gets better results with a swift kick in the pants. That's what happens when you marry a guy who is diagnosed with ADD, and is a serious practitioner of procrastination. Of course she evens this out with the occasional peck on the cheek and bear hug.

Conni H. said...

as long is it all gets evened out with a "peck on the cheek" I think we can all handle the kick in the pants from time to time. The problem comes when only kicks are given out freely!