Alright, who else is watching? I'll admit it....I am a true American Idol fan. I look forward to watching every week, and already have my favorites picked. I could do without Simon, although I usually agree with his opinions. I just wish that he would be a little bit kinder! Paula and Randy are alright, but I could do without all of the drama among the judges. The show isn't about them. It is about the singers!

Here are my favorites: Chris Daughtry and Katharine McPhee. I am impressed with their vocal talents, but even more than that, they are just normal, down to earth people.

I believe the winner of this competition is already obvious. Chris Daughtry will be the next American Idol and will bring us music that we can "rock out" to. He is amazing. What do you think?
Who will be the next American Idol?
I haven't been able to really watch but what I have seen I totaly agree with my wife : ) Have a great day Hon!
First of HAVE to have Simon's attitude in the mix of things. It's fun to disagree. I could do without Paula. She is too agreeable and accomodating to everyone (generally). My pick for a Paula replacement, you ask? Cheryl Crow. I think she would be blunt, honest, and smiley at the same time.
Now to your question. Who do I think will win? Paris. When she sang Midnight Train To Georgia, I went to ITunes and bought the original. She can sing (and how), she can groove to the beat, she has a great smile, and she captures the audience attention with her confident vocals. The drawback is that she is too young and immature sounding with her regular voice.
If I had to choose my candidate for an American Idol audition-Becky K !
I gues it is apparent that I don't watch AI. . I had NO idea that Vin Deisel is one of the contestants this year.
I'll agree, Chris will be the winner. I agree with ebc too, without Simon, the show wouldn't be the same. Maybe we could have McKnight Road Idol...I think the top contenders would be Becky K., Connie H., and Jenny R. What about the boys?
Great Post Connie.
I missed it last night, but I saw some clips on FOX news this morning... I LOVE American Idol! So fun! Thanks for the shout out ebc! :) I think I might be getting too old for the show now... how old can you be? So funny! Good post, Conni...let's keep an eye out on those contestants!
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