The headline on MSNBC this morning reads:
Police say wife suspect in pastor's death
Jason and I attended Freed-Hardeman University with Matt and Mary (the parents in this photograph).
Please pray for the Winkler family and for the family at the 4th Street Church of Christ in Selmer, Tennessee.
You can read the entire article at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11992497/
We have received the news this morning that Mary will be charged with 1st Degree Murder later today.
Please pray.
I am not sure why everyone is so surprised about this. Yes, it is shocking when a wife kills her husband, but I think everyone is making a big deal out of this because he is a preacher. When everything boils down, it is still just a woman who killed her husband.
I read online a little while ago that the police know what her motive was, but they aren't giving details. I am very curious about the motive, because she had to have killed him for a reason. While, I don't agree with murder in anyway, I can understand a few motives.
I think we hold preachers (and by association, their wives) to a higher standard than we hold "regular" people. I don't think this is necessarily fair because preachers are just human, like the rest of us. They sin, and they fall short of the glory of God, just like the rest of us. They, like us, are covered by the same blood of Christ.
I will say prayers for his family, her family, and their precious little girls. These poor girls have to live forever with the idea that their mommy killed their daddy and that is a terrible burden, no matter WHY she did it.
Agreed- we do hold preachers and their wives (and elders and their wives) to a higher standard. You are also correct when you say that she is "just a woman who killed her husband."
You asked why everyone is surprised by this. I can't answer for everyone, but I can answer for myself. I think that anytime you turn on CNN or pop on the MSNBC web-site and someone you know is the top story, some level of shock is involved. For me, the shock value wouldn't have been any different if it had been a high-school classmate, someone I attend church with, or one of our daughter's teachers.
This kind of thing reminds me that people aren't always what they seem, and that we (as Christians) need to do a better job of taking a look around us and be more aware of how we can assist others.
To be honest, my comments about being shocked weren't really about you and those familiar with the individuals involved. I should have clarified that in my response.
The media is presenting this in such a way that there is MORE shock involved because this is a preacher and his wife. I don't know if it is for hype and ratings, or what the reason is, but to most people this shouldn't be really different than if the banker's wife killed her husband or the trash man's wife killed her husband.
Yes, to people who know the couple this would be harder to accept. Believe me, when I turned on the news and saw the story involving my aunt and cousin, it was disheartening. Of course, anything with child abuse/endangerment is always bad, just as murder is, it does make you feel different when you know the individuals involved.
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