For most of my life, I have taken great pride in my ability to put on a smile no matter what was going on in my life. I learned to walk the walk and talk the talk, trying hard never to give away if I was having a down day, or if I didn’t feel very well. People often say things to me like, “You always have a smile on your face” or “Even when we all know how much pain you are in, you still have a great attitude.” I believe a lot in the “fake it until you make it” attitude, and I have become a great actress with all of the practice I have had! Or at least that is what I thought.
I was sitting at my desk today, and one of my coworkers walked in and said, “You look very sad.” I haven’t heard those words in a long time, and they struck a nerve with me. It also made me question if I have lost my ability to “smile no matter what.” I thanked him for noticing that I wasn’t quite myself today, and went back to my work.
I felt bad for not smiling. I felt bad for allowing it to be so obvious that my coworker felt the need to share his concern. After all, I am supposed to be the smiling face that people see when they walk into the office!
Why do you suppose we all feel the need to “put on a happy face?” Do we really think that the world will come crashing down if people know that we are sad or that we are having a bad day? Do you think Jesus tried to hide when He wept?
I can honestly say I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I'm also told that I smile all of the time, which I think I do for the most part :), but I had this guy at the gym come up to me once and say "what's wrong?" "Why the down face?" I was so taken back by it for some reason! I don't even remember what I was thinking about, but I obviously wasn't grinning ear-to-ear about it. hehe Let yourself be down for a little bit, eat some chocolate, watch American Idol, then pick yourself back up and slap that smile back on!!! :)
You have overcome many obstacles within your life which have made you the wonderful person you are today. You should be very proud that you have persevered all your experiences and with it you have lived, acknowledged, and learned and you have never intentionally done on to others as it has been done unto you for you know what it feels like and you have the strength to rise above it all. You are attractive, generous, honest, humorous, intelligent, kind, loveable, loving, passionate and a wonderful mother. May God Bless you and always give you the strength for you to continue to grow and love.
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