Last night, the OCU Chorale performed for us at McKnight Road. They did a great job, and as I sat and listened to them a lot of old memories resurfaced for me. I traveled with the Freed-Hardeman Choir for a while and had a blast, but my best choir memories are from my days at Oakville High School, and Christian Academy. For those of you who have never traveled with a singing group, you may be surprised to find out how much one person can learn on a tour bus with 60 of her "closest" friends. Here are a few things that I learned:
1. It is possible to sleep in an upright position.
2. There are exactly 63,247 ways to play "Goin' on a Trip."
3. It is possible to sing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" in your sleep.
4. There is NOTHING like sleeping in your own bed.
5. Not all southern women are good cooks and great house keepers.
6. Guys on tour busses have little more to do than flirt.
7. Girls on tour busses have little more to do than flirt.
8. "Packing Partners" often wind up being some of your greatest life-long friends.
9. Some amazing spiritual discussions can occur when you are stuck on a bus for 16 hours.
10. There are few better feelings in the world than singing praises with all of your heart to help encourage others who are seeking God.
What did you learn while touring with your choir, ball team, or squad?
Congrats to the OCU Chorale- it was outstanding!
at FHU, i learned that "church" and a "congregation" does not always happen in a building and with a sign out front. Travelling together most sundays made that group of poeple my "home congregation", and the relationships that we maintained for those 3-4 years, was to me, more like what the Bible describes as what church is supposed to be than anything else that I have ever experienced.
i learned alot about people and diversity. I learned alot about how similar people are, at least within the churches of Christ. I ate more pimento cheese sandwiches than I care to think about, and have not had any since.
I had some of my first true "mentors" (something that i SORELY miss) during that time.
I learned that music written by Handel can rock more than ANYTHING done by Zeppelin, The "Sicut Cervus" by Paganinni, to this day, remiains one of my favorite choral pieces.
I learned how to be part of an ensemble. . .teamwork is a good thing. Choral pieces are not solo acts, even if there is a solo involved.
I would give my eyeteeth to be able to have some of those days more clearly etched on my memory. . .time and distance has diluted them somewhat. I wish that I had tapes, videos, more pictures, or could even relive some of those times. . .not to escape from the now, which is the place of my greatest joy, but to clarify and solidify some of those memories with the poigniancy that age has brought.
Thank you so much for this post. . .it has brought a smile to my face.
I toured with the Speech and Debate team, and what I remember was the great friendships and the truth and dare games : )
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