Most of us have heard the statement, "I feel like I live in a fish bowl." Some of us have even felt that way. It is a hard place to be. When you have nothing protecting you from the rest of world's view, no place to really let loose, and no place to be anonymous, things can get very tiring. I am not referring to hiding from society, but instead just taking a break from it.
Some jobs come with unfortunate circumstance of being forced to live in a fishbowl. This fishbowl allows the world to scrutinize the way you keep house, how great (or poor) your relationships with your spouse and children are, how rude you are to the telemarketer that calls every night during dinner, your finances, your medical reports, and whether or not you have wine (or vodka) in your refrigerator. After the world sees everything that you are doing, or not doing, through your little aquarium, you get to hear everyone's opinion about it...whether you want to or not.
What jobs do you think force you to live in fish bowls?
Working and living at FHU is definitely living in a fishbowl!
anyone who works for a church
The president,sports,entertainers,
and of course ministers.
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