Someone sent this to me today. I guess they knew that I needed to hear it.
"People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway." - Mother Teresa
This is a tough principle for me to fully embrace, because I like for things to make sense, be very logical, and to be about what is good for the group instead of what is good for just one person. Loving people in spite of how unreasonable, illogical and self-centered they are is certainally a good Christian value. I find that showing that kind of love to be very difficult sometimes.
I am unreasonable, illogical and self-centered sometimes. I am glad that God loves me in spite of it, and I am thankful that I have people in my life who love me in spite of all of my failures.
I am praying that God will put His hand on my heart and help me to love some of those around me who I find to be very unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Anyone else struggle with this?
Have you met my husband? hehe! Just kidding.... I think we all struggle with it. You are not alone!
We all struggle with this from time to time. Give yourself a break though, we all get irritated with those who are notorious for being unreasonable, illogical, and self centered. Unfortunately there are a lot of these kinds of people in the church. Think about how legalistic we can be and how some among us think that we are the only ones going to Heaven. Even in progressive churches we find "leaders" who are the perfect examples of unreasonable and illogical. We've all been there and we all struggle with it personally and with those around us. Thank God for grace.
I think that at one time or another we are all "unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered" and I too thank God for grace! Because without we would be lost.
Beautiful words from a beautiful woman. Mother Theresa was someone I looked up to a lot. Thanks for posting this.
Reporting for duty, maam!
Whenever I come across someone that I think is unreasonable, illogical or self-centered, I try to stand back and understand where they are coming from and where they've been. I may not know their whole "story". And I try to remember that in the same way that they seem unreasonable to me, I may come across as illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered to someone else. That thought humbles me and I'm able to extend compassion and kindness to the person that I don't understand because that's the way that I would want others to treat me.
ebc- you make me laugh! you are so far from illogical, unreasonable and self centered that it is not even funny!
to the 2nd anonymous poster.... you are wise. Thanks for your words. Now, if you wouldn't mind posting how to reach that level of humbleness in order to extend compassion, we'd all appreciate it greatly.
Thanks for the comments.
see, for me, one of the keys, is to learn to appreciate all of these blemishes as part of the human experience. C. G Jung talked about a "Shadow" that all of us have. . .this is all of the parts of our psyche that have been "not allowed" to express themselves, and thus they become toxic and nasty. For me, I just accept attributes such as selfshness, being illogical, etc as part of the human experience that NONE of us are immune to, not you, not me, NONE of us.
That having been said, learning to love and be loved in spite of these "less desirable traits" is part of our journey as people. Learning to admit and accept these. . .to face this "Shadow" is part of growing to be mature.
I am VERY thankful that I am able to see the nastier aspects of myself as I am maturing. I am thankful that I am able to face these fearlessly, and most of all, I am thankful for a family and circle of friends that love me "warts and all" becaus ethey have helped ME to love myself the same way.
Once you conwuer THAT obstacle, accepting OTHERS in the face of their own shortcomings becomes not only easier, but it becomes inevitable.
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