Most of you who read my blog already know that our minister Brian resigned yesterday. Brian has been at McKnight Road Church of Christ for 11 years and has been instrumental in starting and maintaining several great ministries. The family at McKnight will miss him very much.
I have had the pleasure, and sometimes the challenge, of working with Brian over the past 2-½ years. (He’d probably say that I was more of a challenge and less of a pleasure to work with!) Anyway, as church secretary, I had a lot of interaction with Brian that most were not privileged enough to have. I was able to see him day in and day out as he ministered to this church and this community. I often felt like a partner with him.
I am a better Christian because of Brian. I understand the Word of God better because of him. My prayer life is different, my faith is stronger, and I am more convinced of the power of God in my life because of Brian and his influence. He has taught me a lot, in a lot of different ways, and for that I am thankful.
Brian and I didn’t always agree, nor did we see eye to eye about some things. But, I have told him, and now share with you, that I respect him very much for his convictions and his walk with the Lord.
McKnight Road Church of Christ is losing its minister. I am losing my friend, my co-worker, and my fellow El-Indio addict. Our loss will be Westgate Church of Christ’s gain. I pray that God will allow Brian’s transition to be easy, and that he and Heather and the kids will be welcomed with open arms and loved like they have never been loved before.
Brian, we love you very much and you will be missed greatly.
What I like about Brian is that he often has sermons that make you think, debate, and apply the point he is trying to get across. Sort of reminds me of when John Elway retired from the Broncos. The games and seasons continue to march on, but some folks are hard to replace! The Sundays will continue to march on (Lord willing), but Brian will be hard to replace. Hopefully he's got a good contract. I know he has the best agent
I know that he has taught me and helped me and my family to grow. He is a good man and I wish him the best of luck!
This post makes me sick.
Whoever "church member" is, I am not sure why this makes you sick, but I would be happy to have a dialogue with you about this. Please call me or email me at the church or at home if you'd like to discuss my comments further. It was certainally not my intent to make anyone sick.
By choosing to remain anonymous, there is little I can do to help.
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