Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good Things

Today was filled with good things...

prayer group
safe travel to and from work
breakfast with friends... (and someone else bought! thnx again!)
hot chocolate on a very cold and very windy day
s...l...o...w... pace at work
long afternoon nap
comfort food for supper- blueberry pancakes... eggs... hashbrowns...
time with my hubby and girls
a new episode of Law and Order!
Nate is okay after a car accident! (still praying for you Nate)

and all the normal blessings on top of all of the special good things I enjoyed today! Did you have good things happen in your life today?


Jason Harbison said...

I got to see my wife this morning before leaving for work!
I got to work safe and sound!
It snowed!
I had a cheeseburger and a diet coke for lunch..I had to eat quick for a meeting
Got home safe and had dinner with wife and kids : )

Anonymous said...

I went grocery shopping with my little girl today.

I went BACK to the grocery store to pick up a few things I forgot with my little boy after I picked him up from school.

I went out to Borders by myself after dinner and listened to my iPod while looking at some magazines.

Getting ready to go to bed and snuggle with my wonderful husband!

Guatorean Daddy said...

Tried to make my appts, but slid down an embankment off I-70 and got the truck stuck. The nice thing was 3 1/2 hours in a nice coffee shop waiting for a ride. As for the car, we'll try to get it Friday.