Monday, February 19, 2007


It has been very cold in St. Louis for the last few weeks. We have enjoyed snow and we've had ice that we haven't enjoyed so much...but it was awesome see. The pictures below were taken in Switzerland, and were sent to me by a friend. Seeing them made me feel guilty for complaining about the cold weather! Take a look at these...

I love weather... and I really enjoy seasons. I wouldn't want to live someplace that was 60 degrees all year round. I like storms, and snow, and sunshine, and even ice when I don't have to go out.

I also think that these pictures are awesome because they show the power and beauty of God. He is so awesome. It is amazing to me that anyone could look at such beauty in nature and then refuse to acknowledge God.

I am glad that I didn't experience the weather in the pictures first hand, but I am thankful that I was able to see them in the pictures! Thanks for sharing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is very beautiful...i want to go there!