Friday, July 14, 2006


Today is my 36th birthday. I got up to find a huge fountain diet coke (my favorite) next to my bed and a nice card from Jason. Then I was off to work. I checked my voice mail messages, only to hear my boss (who is at a conference all day) sining "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to me on my voice mail. The morning was pretty typical... putting out small fires, meeting with customers, handling staff issues... blah blah. Then my mom surprised me and showed up at work to take me to lunch. We had a very nice time. When I returned to work, I opened my office door to find a HUGE banner across my back wall that read, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNI. It felt good to be loved and appreciated at work. About an hour later, one of the employees came into my office and said, "Conni, we have a problem out here and I need your help." I took a deep breath, not knowing exactly what I was walking into, and when I came around the corner, the staff was standing there, with a cake, singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" After I blew out the candles, (yes, there were even candles), I ate cake and enjoyed a few minutes with the staff. Then it was back to work. Then there was another knock at my door. A very dear couple at church (whom I dearly love) sent me a BEAUTIFUL plant for my birthday! HOW NICE IS THAT?

I am sure that the birthday fun isn't over yet! This evening, I will spend some quality birthday time with Jason and the girls.

Today I am very thankful for a wonderful staff at the YMCA, a great family, and great friends.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you had a great day.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, I hope your evening was very nice.

Becky said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I had no idea, otherwise I would have told you today at the tournament! :) (I'm a little behind on checking my blogs!) Hope it was a great one!! It sounds like it was!! :)

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested