Friday, September 19, 2008

Frustrating Friday

I am not sure why we are still trying to salvage things. It has been almost a week, everything that was still in our home is mud covered and mold covered. Honestly to me, it makes NO SENSE to clean up when we already know that we will never again live there... and very little if anything will be recovered at this point.

I know that we have to do what we are doing because we won't have a final word from the insurance for at LEAST 2 more weeks, and I suppose that if a miracle happens and they don't send the bull dozer to our house... the work we are doing now will make more sense.

Forgive me for being frustrated. I just want to get back to living again. Sigh...

On another note, I'd like to thank all of my YMCA family for all of your support. I have never felt as loved and supported by a group in my entire life! I am also thankful for the few from the church who have helped and although it is distant, I am thankful for elder Mike's encouragment and support.

This too shall pass..... I HOPE!

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