Sunday, May 20, 2007

More Graduation Pictures

What a wonderful day it has been! Jennifer is done with high school, and we had a great day of activities to enjoy. Jennifer has the camera with the rest of the graduation pictures on it, but here are few from dinner tonight!

Jenn and Boo are great friends, and a lot like sisters.... in so many ways.
Jason and Jen

We were honored that Jimmy and Amber (and "baby T") were able to join us tonight. They are wonderful friends and have been a great influence in Jenn's life over the past few years.

We asked some random guy to take a picture of our entire dinner party. (L-R) Mom, Me, Drew, Amber, Jennifer, Jimmy, Bekah, Jacki, Jason and Mike.

We had a great dinner... and a great time to be together with family!

1 comment:

Becky said...

YAY! Fun! Fun! Congrats to Jenn!!