Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"I'm Hot"

One of the aspects of my job is meeting with board members and donors. Basically the meetings occur simply to provide an opportunity for me to tell them how much they are appreciated, face to face. Today was full of donor meetings.

As I drove to one of my meetings, I enjoyed being alone in my car, listening to my CDs and enjoying the air conditioner blasting on high. I also enjoyed the large iced tea that was sitting next to me in the convenient cup holder and the security I felt knowing that my cell phone was fully charged if I should find myself in need of any kind of help. I was also thinking about how wonderful it was to have a company Visa card that paid for the gas that was required to get me from one place to another, and for the lunches that I have with donors on days like these. In spite of the 102 temperature outside, I was calm, cool, and very comfortable as I visited with my new friends.

One of the visits I had to make was down near Busch Stadium, just off of Locust Street. I made my visit and headed back West, toward the office. As I stopped at a red light, my attention was drawn to a park located just to my left. I couldn’t help but notice the small groups of people who were gathered. It didn’t take me long to figure out that these small groups were families. There were children running around and playing, and adults propped up against trees engaged in conversation. I thought to myself, “What are they, nuts? It is 100 degrees outside and the heat index is 110!”

I felt a sense of guilt and shame when I noticed that the families in this park were sitting on suitcases, and had sleeping bags and garbage bags full of their belongings close to their sides. There I was enjoying the air conditioning and the iced tea, in my comfortable car, with gas that was paid for by someone else, and the park before me was full of homeless people.

I would love to tell you that I circled the block and went back and gave them the money that I had just withdrawn from the bank, but I didn’t. I would love to tell you that I stopped and gave them my card from the YMCA and offered them a ride to our cooling center…but I didn’t. I would love to tell you that I told them all about Jesus and His love, but I didn’t. I would love to tell you that I told them all about our food panty at McKnight, but I didn’t. I whispered a little prayer for them and drove on.

I got back to the office, and everyone was talking about how hot it was outside. People were a bit on the crabby side because they were “so hot.” All I could do was think about those families in the park. They have no place to go for respite. They have no freezer to make ice, they have no money to buy ice cream when the truck goes by, and they have no home to go to just to get away from the sun beating down on them. They have no place to go.

To be honest, I don’t know what I would do differently if I encountered the same situation tomorrow. I have to remember that safety is important too. But I will tell you this, what I saw today changed my attitude about “being hot” and “being comfortable.”

That is why I chose to share this with you- I hope it makes you think about things just a little bit differently too.

If you are sitting in front of your computer, in the comfort of your own home, in the air conditioning, YOU ARE INCREDIBLY BLESSED, AND INCREDIBLY WEALTHY.

It is my prayer that each of us will count our blessings today, and figure out some way to give back to those in need.

1 comment:

Bradford L. Stevens said...

Right on sister! Of course, in 2 months we will be bundling up to keep warm. We are blessed.