Do you like HOT DOGS?
We had hot dogs tonight at small group.... and I personally hate hot dogs, so I had PB & J. I think I was the only one who didn't eat them, although I KNOW that Brittney wouldn't have eaten them if she had been there. It just made me wonder... "How many people like hot dogs, and how many don't?"
Here are a few pics from group:
Do you like HOT DOGS?
We had hot dogs tonight at small group.... and I personally hate hot dogs, so I had PB & J. I think I was the only one who didn't eat them, although I KNOW that Brittney wouldn't have eaten them if she had been there. It just made me wonder... "How many people like hot dogs, and how many don't?"
Here are a few pics from group:
Hot dogs, chips, AWESOME potato salad, PB & J, and 4 layer dessert were on the menu tonight. Next week we are looking forward to a Mexican fiesta!

Elliott and Megan like PB & J and shared my sandwiches with me!

We said farewell to Brandon tonight too. He is headed back to Texas to prepare a home for after his wedding in February. Brittnie is staying here in St. Louis until she graduates in December. We will miss them both very much. By the way... Hot dogs were Brandon's idea, and we all agreed... it was his last small group... it was the least we could do.
Okay, enough babbling... do you like hot dogs or not?
I love Hot Dogs and Brats! I too will miss Brandon and Brittnie...I wish them all the luck and I will be praying for them.
Yep, I sure do like hot dogs. My favorites are from 7-11 with chili and cheese and onions on them. We don't have 7-11 here, I sure miss them.
My kids love hot dogs too. Straight up or cut up in mac & cheese.
i have to say hotdogs with ketchup and mustard....very good...i love them actually...and brats only sometimes they are good...like when you are watching the cardinals win over san diego 6-2!!...GO CARDS!
Hot dogs are great - the brats at Costco are fabulous. Be sure to add the onions, chili, and deli mustard to create a real feast. PB & J are good too- especially if the PB is extra crunchy! a
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