Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Fray

Chances are good that if you are young and hip, you have young hip kids, or you like young hip music, you know who this is:

This is the Sony Recording Group- THE FRAY. They are in town tonight playing to a sold out crown at The Pageant. Normally, I wouldn't blog to share about a sold out concert, especially one that I am not going to, but today I was honored to meet the band. Their manager called our YMCA today and asked if they could come work out here, and of course we said YES!

They requested that we not make a big deal out of them being here, and only authorized pictures taken by the Post Dispatch. That was a bummer- but it was cool to meet them anyway!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Conni! Email me, I can't remember your email address. (and since Jason deletes all that I send to him I don't want to ask him!) :)
Karen T.