Yesterday morning, we woke up and found our sweet puppy lying on the floor in her room, and she was pretty much unresponsive. She was breathing, but wasn’t making a sound, or moving too much. I was very concerned. Jason went on to work and the girls went to school. I took Mikki to the animal hospital. Dr. Schwartz took one look at her and told us that she was either in liver failure, or she had a fluid build-up in her abdomen. Her stomach was distended, and she was clearly uncomfortable. It was also determined that she was dehydrated. The vet told me that if I had waited until I had gotten home from work to bring her in, she likely would have been dead from dehydration before I would have made it home. Since Mikki only weighs 2.9 pounds, she can’t go too long with diarrhea and the inability to eat.
Mikki was admitted to the animal hospital and received an IV to hydrate her. She underwent a series of tests to determine the problem. Upon examination and reading the x-rays, in addition to the benign fluid in her abdomen, it was determined that Mikki swallowed a small piece of metal. We are not totally sure where she found it, but she found it none the less. Dr. Schwartz believed that she would be able to pass it on her own, although he said that he couldn’t be sure. They gave her medicine to help her feel better, and to help her pass it. Mikki came home, and we are all anticipating “the event” that will make our puppy all better!
If nature doesn’t run its course, Mikki will have surgery early next week. We are keeping our fingers crossed and encouraging a lot of soft food and lots of water!
If you aren’t opposed to praying for animals, please pray for our puppy, and if you are, please pray for our family, because we sure love her a lot.
oooh, her sad little face breaks my heart and yes i will pray for her. Get well soon Mikki
You KNOW that I pray for animals! And God hears them! I will be praying for your precious little puppy... she will get better! (Good luck with the "event") :)
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