Today I am feeling a little bit like June Cleaver. I have spent the majority of the day today cooking. I LOVE to cook. I don't think that I am the best cook on the face of the planet, but ask Jason sometime about my cheesecake, fried chicken, or chicken enchilladas. (Those are a few of his favorites!)
Anyway, I spent the majority of the afternoon in the kitchen, making things that I have never made before, and planning the menu for the week while Jason was out with the guys playing golf, and the girls (and Mikki) were taking naps after they were up until about 4 a.m. this morning at a sleep over.
I doubt that June Cleaver had the desire (or opportunity for that fact) to have the Rams football game on while she worked in her kitchen, but I do! So, I have the Rams keeping me company while I pittle around in the kitchen.
The floor needs to be mopped and the cabinets need to be cleaned out (AGAIN), but I probably won't get to that today. And, I can assure you that when the time comes to take care of these things, unlike June Cleaver, I won't have on a dress, heels, or pearls!
Well, although it is not so glamorous or exciting, I need to go back into the kitchen to make a few sandwiches before small group. I am taking a couple because we are having grilled hot dogs at group, and I HATE hot dogs! YUCK! I think that I will make Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. I am betting that Megan and Elliott will share with me too! What kind do you think June Cleaver would make?
Have a "SWELL" day!
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