Wow- what a great weekend! I am very tired, but I am not alone. This weekend was the McKnight Road Family retreat at Camp Neotez. We had a blast. It was very cold (especially for those of us with titanium rods in our backs), but it was so much fun. Here are a few pictures from the weekend:

Here is the tent that Jason and I bought especially for this trip... too bad we didn't sleep in it! :(
Love birds...Edward and Karen.
This group was playing a game with cups that required coordination, rythym and skill... it was fun to watch!
Always willing to serve... Here are Mike and Deanie washing dishes after a great breakfast prepared by Denise, Karen, Vicki, 3 very willing children and myself.
This group of little ones was headed on a "Bear Hunt" with Mr. Shaun.
Edward, Mike and Jason shared good conversation and a good cup of coffee!
It really doesn't get much cuter than this...
Although she is pretty cute too! (Apparenty she comes by her "cuteness" her shirt!)
Here is a picture of part of the Youth Group. They seemed to enjoy the weekend very much and some are already talking about next year's retreat.
Mr. Mike led us as we sang praises!
We didn't hear any three point sermons from this father and son dynamic duo this weekend- but some of us learned a lot from them at Camp anyway!
I have over a hundred pictures from camp... if you want to see more, you'll have to wait until next Sunday for the slide show at church!
If you missed the retreat this year, please make plans to come next year- you will have a great time!
Did you come to camp? What was your favorite part?
I have to concor with my was a great weekend! I was outside, I spent time with my wife and family, I got to sit outside and watch nature and have no worries! Even though it took an hour and half to put the tent was a good family bonding experience and yes no 4 letter words were said!
WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND! Kayleigh & I did stay overnight, but SATURDAY was FUN! I had never been up to insparation point, (and since I am REALLY out of shape, I don't think I will make it up there again w/o an oxygen tank) BUT it was GORGEOUS!!!! To see God's splendor from that point was breathtaking! I am sorry I had not done it before that day. The edge made me a little nervous with the little ones around, but they made up a game of going around and around the benches that were surrounding the camp fire pit and that kept them away from the edge.
BIG THANKS to Edward (#1 husband) and Jonathas (#1 friend) for a great weekend!
I agree with my favorite daughter in law. Saturday was great and the best was the hike to inspiration point.I no longer handle uneven pavement very well but I took my time both up and down. It was WORTH the effort
We were sorry we had to miss... definitely planning on going next year though! The fall retreat at Ne-o-tez was always one of my favorite weekends growing up. I'm so glad the tradition has been revitalized! Good pics!!!
Great pictures Conni! If you don't want to wait until next weekend, check out: for more pictures of the Family Retreat weekend.
my favorite part was spending an hour and a half putting up a tent in the dark without a jacket on...yea not really. my favorite part was saturday night when some of the yg and i went down to the campfire with jamie and talked until 3am or so. that was really fun.
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