Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Why Choose Legalism?
One of my goals as of late has been to listen more and talk less, and this morning that is what I did. It was good to listen to varying opinions and just soak in what was being said. After a little time to think about all of it, I think I’d like to throw in another possible reason why people want to hold on to legalism, (actually it is 2 reasons): Ignorance and immature faith.
I think that a lot of people still believe that they can do something to earn their way into Heaven. Eternal life with the Father is a gift that we receive when we accept Jesus Christ. It is by grace through faith that we are saved… not by our own works. (Those aren’t my words; that is straight scripture.) A lot of people think that we still need to keep the letter of the Law and don’t recognize that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for us, and we are covered by His blood, His mercy, and His grace. I think that if people understood that, and stopped trying to do everything perfectly, they would be happier, and live more fully as Christians. That doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want without regard for right and wrong, it just means that we are covered by God’s grace when we screw up!
Of course that takes a great deal of faith to believe, and that doesn’t come easy for some. I would venture to say that it doesn’t come easy for most. Faith is something that builds over time. Faith is built by experiencing God’s hand in our lives. It comes by recognizing Him, His work, His passion, His grace, and His way. It is such a huge struggle sometimes because we want to see God like we are able to see the mailman, our preacher, or a friend. We can’t see God physically, but we can see Him in everything that we do. Seeing God is believing and believing is faith. When we have faith, we believe that we are covered by His mercy and grace.
I can’t imagine why anyone would want to hold onto rigidity and legalism, but if that is the walk that they choose, I wish them well, and pray that their journey will bring them closer and closer to the Father. As for me, I walked the rigid line once before, and am thankful that I have chosen a different path. I am thankful for those who helped me overcome fear, self-righteousness, ignorance and lack of faith. Now, please don’t get me wrong… I have by no means arrived, and I still struggle with these things, and I struggle with them often. I just know that for me, legalism is not the answer, because I can never reach perfection…no matter how hard I try.
Whatever your walk, whatever church you choose, whether you choose conservative or liberal, legalistic or not, I pray that you have a blessed day and that you enjoy your journey with the Father!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Trunk or Treat #2
Finally, Blogger has allowed me to post pictures. Whew... So, here are a few of my favorites from tonight's Trunk or Treat:

Here is our sweet Bekah. She was original with her costume and called it "Left overs from the green room." (Her costume was all left overs from shows that she has been in recently.)

One preacher plus one priest equals too much trouble in one place!

Snow white was especialy beautiful tonight.
Benny was so cute as a shark!
Mr. Brad and Miss Sue enjoyed taking lots of pictures and handing out lots of candy!
Too cute for words!
Bethany made a great Scarecrow and Teddy couldn't have been a cuter Tin Man. Paige was dressed as Dorothy, but didn't feel much like having her picture taken.
Watch out for this group- They can steal your heart in no time!
David and Vicki got into the spirit of the holiday...but I think David is confused about which holiday we were celebrating!
Lucy was a beautiful Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and was very willing to share her candy with her mom, Rebecca.
As always, a great time was had by all!
Happy Halloween everyone!
(sorry there are no pictures of Jennifer on this post...
she had her eyes closed in all of the pics!)
Trunk or Treat.
Tonight we had Trunk or Treat at church. It was a great event, and everyone had a great time. Here are a few of my favorite pics from the night..... well.... they would be posted here if I could get Blogger to let me post pictures. Is anyone else having problems with pictures?
I will try again in a bit.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Can You Pass the 3rd Grade?
I passed. Can you?
Don't feel badly if you can't pass the first time- you can try again!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tonight the Cardinals will host the Tigers for game 5 of the World Series. Wouldn't it be great to clinch the title at home, ending our first season in the new Busch Stadium? I am so excited!
The weather man has assured us that although there might be a slight rain delay, the game will take place tonight....
"Go crazy folks- Go crazy!" 24 hours from now we will be able to say that the ST LOUIS CARDINALS ARE THE WORLD CHAMPIONS!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Unity in the Church
I am not surprised by one of the front page articles in the most recent issue of the Christian Chronicle, but it disturbing none-the-less. It seems that Freed-Hardeman University recently held a “Contemporary Discussion” on unity on campus on October 14. Anyone who knows very much about FHU can see clearly see the absurdity of such an event on the small, very conservative, Tennessee University.
I am a graduate of FHU and although I believe that I received a quality academic education, I must share with you that I left there questioning every aspect of Christianity. You see, there was NOTHING at FHU that promoted unity with anyone outside the “brotherhood.” If you were not a member of a conservative church that embraced the title “non-denominational church of Christ” you clearly had no chance of spending eternity in Heaven. It was imperative that one was disgusted with the idea of instrumental music, or women taking any kind of leadership role. If one was going to be a “true” Christian, he must not believe in Christmas or Easter (at least as religious holidays), and perhaps most importantly, one must agree that if the preacher (or FHU Bible professor) said it…it was true.
When I first read the headline on the front page today, I had a brief moment of hope for FHU and “the brotherhood.” I thought that maybe, just maybe, changes were being made, and unity may be possible. No such luck. The article was disturbing to me…FHU appears to still believe that they are the only ones going to Heaven, and the rest of us will spend eternity among flames because we are okay with instrumental music in the church, or we sing with Casting Crowns, Nicole Mullens, or Tree 63 in our cars.
I was happy that one FHU student said that the seminar made them think…it means that not all of the brainwashing is working.
I know I sound bitter, and to be honest, I am. I find it contradictory that a university that preaches unity is so good at belittling, shaming, and judging people who aren’t just like them. It makes me sick. I also find it interesting that almost all of my friends from college have left the “brotherhood” and site legalism, lack of tolerance, and extreme judgments as their reasons for choosing a “CHRISTIAN CHURCH” (most of which have instruments……GASP.)
I am praying for true unity in Christ, and pray that you will do the same.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
In addition, work has been very busy this week too. We have so much going on with our Corporate Partners Program, Board Meetings, Partner Kickoff, United Way goals... and on and on. I know that you all are not strangers to being busy at work. Has anyone besides me noticed that when it rains it pours? I have days where I am crazy busy, and they seem to come in huge chunks. Oh well, I will survive.
I am still loving my job. If you don't know already, I GOT PROMOTED! I am excited, and it feels great to be in a job where my skills are recognized and appreciated. God has been so good to me. I am thankful for the way that He has worked things out. I am blessed to have a boss who is a Christian and is not afraid to have prayer in the work place and focus on Christian principles. It is awesome. For a while I thought it was just at my office, but on Friday I was an Association wide meeting, and the day started with a devotional, and prayer was offered several times during the day. IT IS AWESOME TO WORK AT SUCH A CHRIST CENTERED PLACE. I love it!
Jason is staying busy with work and side contract work, plus he is still loving the Tuesday bowling league (keep him in line Steve!). The girls are busy with school work, youth group and extracurricular activities. Sometimes I guess we are just way too busy!
On another note, Jason and I have had the opportunity to serve with our new preacher and his wife this week a lot. David and Vicki have been a joy to work with. I'll admit that as the former church secretary, I had some serious questions about if I would want to continue working so intimately with some church situations because I was just afriad that it would be really weird and uncomfortable. I have been pleasantly surprised. Last night David asked me about some things that he was concerned about (with me personally) and we talked at great lengths. I appreciate him very much. Vicki and I talked quite frankly about serveral things too, and she has made me feel much better about some situations, and has encouraged me a great deal. They realy are good people.
I realize that I am rambling. That is just how it goes, I guess.
Please remember to pray for Mike and Sandi. The next several months, and maybe even years, will be very difficult.
Now, if I may suggest it, I believe it is time for a glass of wine, a comfy cover, and great seat to watch the Cardinals win Game 2 of the World Series.
Friday, October 20, 2006
World Series Bound!!!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Game 7
After an exciting bottom of the 9th, we are headed to game 7- predictions anyone?
Cardinals or Mets?
Is this the year?
If you live in St. Louis, you know that Cardinal Fever is spreading quickly!

The question to be answered is this: Is this the year that the Cardinals are taking home the title of World Series Campions?
Monday, October 16, 2006
RAINBOW pride day?
Usually some of our best conversations as a family happen at the dinner table. I suppose that is true for most families. Tonight at dinner, Jennifer informed us that it is “Gay-Straight Alliance Week” at her school. Hmmm. Okay. Specifically, today was “Rainbow Pride Day.” Hmmm. They handed out rainbow ribbons, made announcements about gay acceptance, and some even wore matching t-shirts.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am pretty accepting, and that I try really hard not to judge people just because they are different from me. If you are gay, that is between you, your partner, and your God. It’s not my business. BUT- what is my business is this…
My daughters are not permitted to speak openly about Christianity in their schools. Prayers are outlawed in the educational system, and plays and musical performances in December must be referred to as “HOLIDAY” programs- NEVER a CHRISTMAS program. Christ cannot be proclaimed in our schools, but being gay is celebrated? HELLO?
I won’t go any further on my soapbox- you all know exactly what I am saying… but I think that if we can celebrate RAINBOW PRIDE Day, and we can’t speak the name of Christ, this nation is in a lot bigger trouble than we ever imagined.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Family Weekend at Neotez!
Wow- what a great weekend! I am very tired, but I am not alone. This weekend was the McKnight Road Family retreat at Camp Neotez. We had a blast. It was very cold (especially for those of us with titanium rods in our backs), but it was so much fun. Here are a few pictures from the weekend:

Here is the tent that Jason and I bought especially for this trip... too bad we didn't sleep in it! :(
Love birds...Edward and Karen.
This group was playing a game with cups that required coordination, rythym and skill... it was fun to watch!
Always willing to serve... Here are Mike and Deanie washing dishes after a great breakfast prepared by Denise, Karen, Vicki, 3 very willing children and myself.
This group of little ones was headed on a "Bear Hunt" with Mr. Shaun.
Edward, Mike and Jason shared good conversation and a good cup of coffee!
It really doesn't get much cuter than this...
Although she is pretty cute too! (Apparenty she comes by her "cuteness" naturally....read her shirt!)
Here is a picture of part of the Youth Group. They seemed to enjoy the weekend very much and some are already talking about next year's retreat.
Mr. Mike led us as we sang praises!
We didn't hear any three point sermons from this father and son dynamic duo this weekend- but some of us learned a lot from them at Camp anyway!
I have over a hundred pictures from camp... if you want to see more, you'll have to wait until next Sunday for the slide show at church!
If you missed the retreat this year, please make plans to come next year- you will have a great time!
Did you come to camp? What was your favorite part?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The Fray
Chances are good that if you are young and hip, you have young hip kids, or you like young hip music, you know who this is:
This is the Sony Recording Group- THE FRAY. They are in town tonight playing to a sold out crown at The Pageant. Normally, I wouldn't blog to share about a sold out concert, especially one that I am not going to, but today I was honored to meet the band. Their manager called our YMCA today and asked if they could come work out here, and of course we said YES!
They requested that we not make a big deal out of them being here, and only authorized pictures taken by the Post Dispatch. That was a bummer- but it was cool to meet them anyway!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
SO CUTE (and funy)
This is GREAT! I laughed until I cried.
Click here: http://i.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_content/12925/greaserbabies.swf
Tell me what you think!
(Make sure your sound is on.)
Thanks to my friend MO for sharing- love ya MO!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Taking a HOT DOG poll!
Do you like HOT DOGS?
We had hot dogs tonight at small group.... and I personally hate hot dogs, so I had PB & J. I think I was the only one who didn't eat them, although I KNOW that Brittney wouldn't have eaten them if she had been there. It just made me wonder... "How many people like hot dogs, and how many don't?"
Here are a few pics from group:
Hot dogs, chips, AWESOME potato salad, PB & J, and 4 layer dessert were on the menu tonight. Next week we are looking forward to a Mexican fiesta!

Elliott and Megan like PB & J and shared my sandwiches with me!

We said farewell to Brandon tonight too. He is headed back to Texas to prepare a home for after his wedding in February. Brittnie is staying here in St. Louis until she graduates in December. We will miss them both very much. By the way... Hot dogs were Brandon's idea, and we all agreed... it was his last small group... it was the least we could do.
Okay, enough babbling... do you like hot dogs or not?
Feeling Like June

Today I am feeling a little bit like June Cleaver. I have spent the majority of the day today cooking. I LOVE to cook. I don't think that I am the best cook on the face of the planet, but ask Jason sometime about my cheesecake, fried chicken, or chicken enchilladas. (Those are a few of his favorites!)
Anyway, I spent the majority of the afternoon in the kitchen, making things that I have never made before, and planning the menu for the week while Jason was out with the guys playing golf, and the girls (and Mikki) were taking naps after they were up until about 4 a.m. this morning at a sleep over.
I doubt that June Cleaver had the desire (or opportunity for that fact) to have the Rams football game on while she worked in her kitchen, but I do! So, I have the Rams keeping me company while I pittle around in the kitchen.
The floor needs to be mopped and the cabinets need to be cleaned out (AGAIN), but I probably won't get to that today. And, I can assure you that when the time comes to take care of these things, unlike June Cleaver, I won't have on a dress, heels, or pearls!
Well, although it is not so glamorous or exciting, I need to go back into the kitchen to make a few sandwiches before small group. I am taking a couple because we are having grilled hot dogs at group, and I HATE hot dogs! YUCK! I think that I will make Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. I am betting that Megan and Elliott will share with me too! What kind do you think June Cleaver would make?
Have a "SWELL" day!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Weekend Update
First, I spent the morning with my mom, and then had lunch with her. We went shopping, and we each bought new sweaters. I AM READY FOR FALL!
Then I came home, spent some time working on a project for work (which is now finished-HOORAY), and watched TV with Jason and the girls.
Mikki is feeling better, and although we can't prove that the great "event" has taken place, she acts like it has... but I don't intend to sift through.... well.... you get the point. She is eating, sleeping and playing pretty normally.
Then Jason, Mikki and I went for a walk together. Jason and I had a nice walk- Mikki decided she doesn't like the leash. I suppose she will get used to it. (We hope.)
Now we are getting ready to take the girls to a sleep-over and then Jason and I are going on a date. The date will be extra special because we won't even have to pay for it, thanks to a gift card that we received in the mail today from a special friend. (by the way, if that special friend happens to read this blog, THANK YOU for the gift card, and thank you for your very kind words in the card.)
Then we will likely come home, have a glass of wine and turn in.
How was your day?
Friday, October 06, 2006
Sick Puppy

Yesterday morning, we woke up and found our sweet puppy lying on the floor in her room, and she was pretty much unresponsive. She was breathing, but wasn’t making a sound, or moving too much. I was very concerned. Jason went on to work and the girls went to school. I took Mikki to the animal hospital. Dr. Schwartz took one look at her and told us that she was either in liver failure, or she had a fluid build-up in her abdomen. Her stomach was distended, and she was clearly uncomfortable. It was also determined that she was dehydrated. The vet told me that if I had waited until I had gotten home from work to bring her in, she likely would have been dead from dehydration before I would have made it home. Since Mikki only weighs 2.9 pounds, she can’t go too long with diarrhea and the inability to eat.
Mikki was admitted to the animal hospital and received an IV to hydrate her. She underwent a series of tests to determine the problem. Upon examination and reading the x-rays, in addition to the benign fluid in her abdomen, it was determined that Mikki swallowed a small piece of metal. We are not totally sure where she found it, but she found it none the less. Dr. Schwartz believed that she would be able to pass it on her own, although he said that he couldn’t be sure. They gave her medicine to help her feel better, and to help her pass it. Mikki came home, and we are all anticipating “the event” that will make our puppy all better!
If nature doesn’t run its course, Mikki will have surgery early next week. We are keeping our fingers crossed and encouraging a lot of soft food and lots of water!
If you aren’t opposed to praying for animals, please pray for our puppy, and if you are, please pray for our family, because we sure love her a lot.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Another Anniversary
One year ago today I had my second cervical spine surgery of 2005. Wow- it is hard to imagine that it has been a year.
Praise God- Today I can say that I am healthier than I have been in 20 years and my spine is finally completely fused. HOORAY!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Happy Birthday Mark
My brother, Mark, was killed in a car accident on December 17, 1994. I think of him often, and miss him a lot. If he were still alive, Mark would be celebrating his 38th birthday today.
I obviously can't bring him back, but on days like today, I like to think about all of the good times that we shared, and all of the great things about him. Sure, we had our issues, and he wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but he's my brother and I love him!
Happy Birthday Mark- I miss you.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Unsportsmanlike Conduct!

All I can say about this is that I am disgusted. Who in the right mind could possibly think that this act of horrendous unsportsmanlike conduct is okay?
Andre Gurode of the Dallas cowboys has 30 stitches in his face closing the cuts left when a 6-foot-6, 320-pound Tennessee Titan’s player Albert Haynesworth knocked off his helmet, and proceeded to kick and stomp his face with his cleats.
Gurode's agent told Nashville police that he would talk with his family about whether to press criminal charges.
2 questions for you-
1. Would YOU press criminal charges?
2. Should Haynesworth be banned from playing football at the professional level for the rest of his life?
Monday, October 02, 2006
Think PINK!

What do Sheryl Crow, Shirley Temple, Olivia Newton John, Linda McCartney, the founder of the Girl Scouts, and my Grandma have in common? All of these influential women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Some survived, and some didn’t.
When my best friend and Grandma lost her battle with breast cancer in November of 2004, I vowed that I would be an advocate for breast cancer awareness and treatment. Of course I have made a huge point to my girls and close friends about the importance of breast self examination and mammograms, and I hope that this post will encourage all of my readers to do what is important for their health.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For more than 20 years, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) has educated women about early breast cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment. NBCAM continues reaching out to women with several key messages, most notably, the importance of early detection through annual mammography screening for women over 40, or earlier for women at increased risk.

No one really wants to talk about it…but we have to be willing to talk and encourage each other to lessen the occurrences and deaths due to breast cancer. No, I am not going to walk up to you at church or on the street and ask you if you have done your breast exam or if you kept your appointment for your mammogram. But, I will remind you through this bog that you need to do it! (by the way, the baby in the picture is our sweet Bekah!)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Conni's Turtle Cheesecake!
YUM! I know that I have already blogged today.... but I just finished my dessert for small group tonight, and it looks so yummy that I had to share it with you all! If you want a taste, you'll have to come to small group!

YUM! and fat free too-- well, sort of... well, a little bit... alright, not at all! YUM!
Welcome David and Vicki Bearden!
Today, the family at McKnight welcomed our new minister and his wife as they began their ministry with us today. Here are a few pics from worship and the fellowship meal we shared afterward.

Brad read a statement and charge to the Beardens and to the congregation, and then led us in prayer.
Most of us ate way too much food at the fellowship meal! It was all so good. The youth group had enjoyable time as always, as they shared lunch together.
So cute! Paige is my prayer buddy, so I try to get lots of pictures of her! She and Teddy are very special to Jason and me. Bethany and Tripper are also special friends of ours. What a great family!
Here is another picture of my handsome husband and me. I am ready to get rid of my eye infection and get back to my contacts!!
David and Vicki are a welcomed addition to the family at McKnight, and I am looking forward to the changes that God will bring to us through them.