Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Change is Good

Change is good. It isn't always easy, but it is good. I have come to the conclusion that any time a person does something differently that great things can happen if we allow God to work in our lives.

As many of you know, there are great changes happening in my life. I know most of you are thinking that the big change is with my job (which would be true), but I am amazed at how God has used my job experience to help me grow, and help me to have a change of heart about so many things in my life. It isn't odd how things work sometimes?

Hopefully, we are experiencing personal growth in our lives. Hopefully we are all changing...even if only a little bit at a time. I hope and pray that each one of us can see the value of change in our lives, and that we will give God the glory for the wonderful things that happen when we allow Him to work in our lives.

I seek your prayers as SO MUCH change is happening in my life right now; sometimes I feel like I am caught in a tornado, but I am enjoying the ride!

Do you think most people are afraid of change, or excited about it?


Jason Harbison said...

I think that with a new job it is a little of both exciting and a little bit of being afraid. But with other situations it is either just exciting or afraid. So in my opinion it depends on the situation.

Anonymous said...

Transition, change, progress, and evolution are all part of our expereince as human beings. . .the worst thing we can do is to remain stagnant and rigid.

I applaud your courage for branching out. . taking that leap! I have faith that it will all turn out to be a wonderful expereince for you, no matter where you end up!

Hugs to all of you guys!

Anonymous said...

I can't answer for anyone but me, but I think it is both.

I am currently contemplating changing jobs. I would stay with my company, but am considering taking on a manager role. I am excited and terrified, if truth be told. I haven't even applied yet, but the area that I wanted to go to finally has a manager position open, just as I had decided to apply on a different area.

I think there is both, and should be both.