My mom took me to Branson for our weekend get away. Anyone who likes music can find a show in Branson that they will like. We took in 2 shows while we were there, and I anticipate writing about both, but for tonight, I am just going to focus on my favorite of the two, "The Promise."
As you may have guessed by the title or by the pictures, "The Promise" is a musical, Broadway style production that tells the amazing story of Jesus Christ. The show starts with the birth of Christ and follows the amazing events of Jesus' life. This amazing cast does a wonderful job of sharing the miracles, joy, grace, compassion, and sacrifice of our Lord. I would recommend this show to anyone, although the crucifixion scene was very difficult to watch for me (as an adult), so I am not sure about how it may affect kids. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the show.

Here is a picture of "Jesus" as a 30 year old man giving honor and praise to His Father.
This is one of my favorite ways to think of Jesus- surrounded by children, showing His love and sharing His stories.
Jesus offers compassion to the woman caught in adultery and touches her with His grace and mercy, and tells the crowd, "He who is without sin cast the first stone" and then tells the woman to "Go- and sin no more."
After being crucified, and in the grave for 3 days, Jesus Christ walks out of the tomb, just as He said He would. The theatre had been silent for some time up until this point. But when Jesus came out of the tomb, the crowd stood on their feet. Some were applauding, some crying, and some raising their hands toward Heaven. It was AWESOME; it gave me chills then, and it gives me chills now to think about it again.
Needless to say, I loved the show. It was VERY well done, and although I am not a Bible scholar, it seemed pretty true to Scripture. They even baptized by immersion! I was surprised to see that, as every time I have seen baptism on stage it has been by sprinkling. I think every Christian should see this show, and I think that every person who needs a reminder of the true love and grace of our God should take the time to see "The Promise" in Branson, Missouri.
Has anyone else seen this show or heard about it?
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