Here in St. Louis, the current temperature is 95 degrees (according to Hello? Now, I realize that St. Louis is not exactly known for its cool summers, but it is only the middle of June for crying out loud! How hot is going to be in August? Jennifer and I sat in the sun for a bit today- (Sunshine does good things for your mood ya know!). Here is a picture that I took from the back deck.

We didn't stay out long- it is just too hot! So who else thinks that it is too early in the season for this heat? If you are not in St. Louis, what is the temperature where you are?
Now...back to the air conditioning and my ice cold diet coke!
Well, according to it is only 88 in "hotlanta." Our June has been relatively mild so far, and I am more than happy about that.
Coming to the Atlanta metro area, I was warned about the awful summers, but we met someone here from St. Louis shortly after we moved here. He said Atlanta summers didn't compare to St. Louis summers. This is my second summer here, and I am grateful to report that last summer (which everyone said was worse than normal) was not as bad as any of the St. Louis summers I experienced. (Of course, I have a hard time convincing sone folks that there are places worse than here.)
I hope your weather gets better, but don't send the heat and humidity my way please.
yes its very hot...but i need a tan(ok ok i want a tan...i dont really need it). I kinda like it though. The sun makes me happy, like im supposed to smile all day because the sun is so bright! :) off now...more sun to soak up...
It was very hot and guess what? The air conditioner in my office broke! It was cooler in the hallway then my office. I am glad that you got spend some time outside and with Jennifer : ) Enjoy your ICE COLD DIET COKE
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