Father's Day used to be really hard for me. Since I didn't have a decent relationship (at all) with my father, I used to spend Father's Day moping around, feeling sorry for myself that I didn't have a cool dad, like so many of my friends had. I was jealous, I guess.
Now, here it is, years later...and Father's Day is one of my favortie holidays, and it is mainly because of this man:

Jason is the best dad in the world. Bekah is so blessed to have him, and I am so blessed to see what a good father and daughter relationship is supposed to look like. Sure, there are times where Bekah is mad because of rules or chores, but the truth is, she is a daddy's girl. Jason and Bekah love spending time together and having fun doing things that I might catergorize as a bit silly! I love to watch them and see how well they interact and how much they love each other. Bekah is a great kid, and Jason is a fantastic daddy- (although he sometimes slips her extra cash that I am not supposed to know about or allows her to have ice cream an hour before dinner!) Happy Father's Day Jason!
In addition to being able to celebrate with Jason on this special day, there are a few other men that I think of on Father's Day. Over the course of the last10 years, God has blessed me with men who have stepped up to the plate and have taught me many of the things that I missed out on by not having a dad of my own. I am so thankful for them and their willingness to "parent" me in many ways. While there have been several good men who have taught me a lot, there are two in particular that I remember and am especially thankful for on Father's Day. (I am sure that both would prefer that I don't mention their names here, so I won't, but they know who they are...one who is too far away to hug today and give a Father's Day wish to, and one I would send a card to, but he seems to think that I send too many cards...but I might be able to offer a Father's Day hug later today!)
So, anyway, Happy Father's Day to Jason, 2 special men in my life, and all of the other dads out there!
Thank you for your kind words. I'll take that hug later today. From the one who thinks you send way too many cards! Your friend,
Thanks Honey, but you know behind every great guy is a great woman : ) I am blessed to have you and Bekah in my life and thank God every morning for you two.
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