Today is National Take Our Daughters And Sons to Work Day! Guess where Bekah is?
Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day is designed to expand opportunities for girls and boys, expose them to what adults in their lives do during the work day, show them the value of their education, and give them an opportunity to share how they envision their future. It is intended to be more than a career day. Each year, workplaces and adults around the country recognize its benefits and participate in the program to support our nation’s daughters and sons.
Jason and Bekah left about 7:30 this morning to start their day together at St. Louis University. Bekah will have the opportunity to see what her daddy does all day, help him in the office, get to know his co-workers, have lunch together, and see what the working world of Computer Science actually looks like.
I am a little jealous, but Bekah is with me at work all of the time- I just wish that I could spend the day with them too! But at the same time, I know this is a great experience for them. I hope they have a great day!
Well- time to get ready for work.
Did anyone else take their son or daughter to work today?
Oh No!!! Why did you have to put that up????
Because it was the best pic of the 14 we took before you left! (not really 14- more like 4!)
Have a great day with Daddy- I love you!
Bekah- you look adorable... you should see me at 7:30 in the morning (or even 8:30 in the morning!) :) Have fun!! Learn lots! Your dad is very good at computers! I'm confidant that you'll learn SOMETHING today! :)
Hope everybody had a great day!
I can't take my son to work even though he is 14 and definitely old enough. I am a nurse in a children's hospital, which isn't conducive AND I work nights! Oh well. Hope Jason and Bekan had fun today.
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