I am a pretty sensitive person. For those who know me, you know that I am speaking the truth. I tend to over-react, and I tend to take things pretty personally. The recent dialogues on this blog have proven to me that I have a long way to go before I can say that I have moved beyond my tendencies of strong sensitivity.
I have been troubled by some of the comments made. In fact, I have been troubled to the point that I have lost much needed sleep thinking about how my posts may or may not influence people for or against Christ. I have also felt somewhat nauseous after reading some of my reader’s thoughts and feelings about what “real” Christianity is. I have missed a few meals because I have felt too sick to eat. (That’s alright; I can stand to miss a few anyway.)
As I have tried to move beyond these feelings, I started thinking about why I am having such a strong reaction to all of this Easter debating. I started questioning myself and I had just about decided that I needed to stop writing about potentially difficult or controversial topics. Then a friend (you know who you are) said, “You want to make people think, you want people to share their opinions, that is what blogging is for.”
My friend is right. I hate that things have gotten a bit out of hand, and I am still bothered about some of the comments. But, this is my blog and I want to share Jesus with people. That sharing may come by telling you about my wonderful daughter and husband. I may share how God has worked in my life, or how the smile of a child reminded me of His love, or I may share about how amazing our Easter service was. But no matter what, I am going to keep sharing Jesus with the readers of this blog, and I am thankful that many of my readers are willing to share how God is working in their lives. I am also thankful for those of you who continue to search, and come here for a little peek into the life of someone who used to be caught up in legalism and rigidity, but found freedom in Christ.
I am a sensitive person, probably overly so. Today, I decided that I am not going to let Satan use that sensitivity to push me away from Christ and sharing Him on this blog. This is my last post about the Easter Debate, but it is only one of many to come about topics that I hope will honor and glorify our Lord.
Thanks for your comments. Each of you have encouraged a great deal of thought and prayer on my part (and hopefully the part of others as well). At the risk of sounding like Tiny Tim, “God bless us every one.”
this post is crap too. you want to share jesus as long as people see it your way. maybe you should stick to writing about upcoming plays your daughter is in or what movies you hope to see. just cut the crap because no one is buying it.
Well, we are all allowed our own opinions, but I for one enjoy reading Conni's posts...about plays, movies, AND Jesus.
I know for a fact Conni and I don't see eye to eye about religion because my religious background is VERY different from hers. However, I enjoy reading her posts and I enjoy reading what she has to say about Christ and how he is working in her life.
Let me leave you with one of my favorite Bible verses. Matthew 22:36-40.
What in the world? This comment is in direct response to post number one by anony. Why are you being so mean? this is Conni's blog. She is making herself vulnerable and open for all who read. Would you want someone being so unkind to you when you are laid bare? Too often we speak to others in ways we would never imagine to do in person. Conni- I am thrilled to see the depths of who you are. The things you contemplate and the resolutions you come to. We are all in process and I think you are doing a great job. G
yeah, i think i tend to agree.. .I am a deist/agnostic and my wife is a catholic and both of us have been welcomed to post on this blog. It is funny that you would say that Conni only wants people to agree with HER when there is such a diversity of beliefs represented here.
Are you sure that maybe it is more like YOU don't LIKE for people who don't agree with YOU to post on this blog? That sounds a little more like what you are saying.
Keep it up Conni. . .we have heard this sort of rhetoric before and we know where it leads. I think I told you the other day that people who lead mundane ordinary lives are resentful of those of us who are trying to live exceptional ones.
Here are two more of my favorite Bible verses that I thought you might like to read.
1 Corinthians 13
1 John 4:7-20
I am not gonna stop talking about Jesus here, and I am not getting in the mud.
Ok, I have sat by and listen and read everyone's comment, but the first anonymous comment that said, "this post is crap too. you want to share jesus as long as people see it your way. maybe you should stick to writing about upcoming plays your daughter is in or what movies you hope to see. just cut the crap because no one is buying it" Ok enough is enough! Try reading her post again, I know Conni and she is not a person to share as long as people see it her way! That is not her personality - all she wants to do is share. Try having an open mind and open your eyes! It is fine to disagree but come on she was not rude, mean or anything. You just got up on the wrong side of the bed.
You are a kind-hearted Christian intent on spreading the Good News. Keep it up. I happen to like your takes of the day-spiritual or otherwise.
I'd be interested to see a blog put out by "anonymous". It is possible to create one using alternative names, etc. Chances are not too many would visit more than once.
Keep up the good work. I appreciate that you are talking about Jesus and how real he is in our lives.
God loves you and so do I!
Why do ya'll come so quickly to her defense when she so obviously is not in accordance with what the scripture says?
Father, please comfort and heal all of those who have such anger and hate within their hearts. Lord, I pray that you will help all of us to have open eyes, open ears, and open hearts to your ways, and that we will stand strong and courageous to do your will. Father please allow us to put our faith in you and to not allow Satan to cause divisiveness or difficulties for your children.
It is my prayer that this blog will be a place of open dialogue that will bring people closer to you. Thank you Father for your mercy and grace, for without it we have no hope.
In Jesus' precious and holy name,
Hey Conni,
I've been out of touch with the computer for a few days and I was stunned when I checked into your blog today. Do NOT take this anonymous person to heart PLEASE, i love your blog and the things you talk about. You shouldn't have to deal with the ridiculous comments of this anonymous person who's too ashamed of themselves to even use their name. They're obviously trying to start a debate here and they deserve only to be DELETED. It's one thing for them to want to teach Christianity, but their lack of Christian behavior leaves me wondering if that's their true intent. Keep up the great blogging Conni- you're awesome!
Can't we all just get along and hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah : )
Kum By Yah my Lord. Kum By Yah oh lord Kum By Yah. G
Please don't make me sing Kum By Yah, please! LOL!!!
I am not sure what the issue is with the anonymous poster who is bringing so much anger to this blog. I am going to join Conni in with her prayer for this person.
Well, let me get back to work.
I agree with Mike. . .turn off the anonymous comments. . .I'm not anonymous. I'm actually a blogger, but don't want to leave my blogger name should Anonymous decide to taint my own spot. Sounds like the person loves to stir up contention and, much like the bullies I see where I teach, just loves to keep on pushing your buttons.
I think Anonymous has taken a page from Saul's book rather than Paul's book. . .
Have enjoyed my few visits to your blog. And seeing as how it's free, and no one is HAVING to read it OR agree with it. . .there should be no complaints.
I will continue to visit your blog and will leave my link after the contentious person has logged off.
I ran across this posting and got caught up on the 50+ messages on this topic(and a cross references coming from another site). Here are my thoughts
I encourage you to go back and read the comments by DAG in the first blog posting on this topic. I have read it more than once now to see where all this was coming from. I didn’t read anything in DAG's messages that were out of line or mean-spirited. But I did see that a bunch of folks have dog-piled on DAG's comments and misrepresented his/her notes. I can not get inside DAG's head but I do know the words he used and did not use in his post. He did not use the words condemn or eternal judgement to describe the difference of opinion. Yet, many who have posted have made the grand canyon leap to put those words in his mouth. DAG did indicate he felt it was more scripturally correct to treat every Sunday the same, that’s all. If DAG feels like he is being obedient and honoring God by not treating easter as a special service, then why not? If he feels he needs to teach that to other Christians, their children, etc., then why not? Why do others on this post feel the need to judge him??? Its ironic that some of the people on this post see the speck in their brothers eye without seeing the plank in their own. I have read more judgemental things that people have written on this blog in response to DAG's opinion in order to justify their own beliefs, but in a very defensive posture. If you are confident in your own salvation and understanding of scripture….why the negativity. Just acknowledge the opinion and move on.
It did appear to me though that the drama has been built up though by subsequent posting on this topic, other blogs, inviting elders to respond, etc.
Just my inflation adusted two cents. :-)
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