Zacarias Moussaoui is the only person to stand trial in the U.S. in connection with the 9/11 attacks. Today, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani testified in the death penalty phase of the Moussaoui trial. Giuliani gave emotional testimony about the events of 9/11.
Should Moussaoui be put to death for his involvement in the 9/11 tragedy?
The Christian side of me says to extend Grace and Mercy...however the military / human side of me says fry him. I am torn.
As Jason says above, I am torn. I am a Catholic, born and raised, I am against the death penalty as a rule. I agree with the Church's teaching on the death penalty.
However, when I remember the devastation of September 11, 2001, I want him to pay. However, I try to remember that the Lord said "Vengance is Mine." It doesn't always work to remember that, but I try.
if I had faith that the man had recieved a fair trial (I, admittedly have NOT been following it) I would say the death penalty is just. However, the DHS has been notoriously biased, inefficient, and unjust since it's inceptiion. If the federal government will detain hundreds of individuals without due process, what makes one think that Moussaoui has received a fair trial, particularly with the level of media coverage, and the dubious distinction of being the ONLY alleged conspiritor of 9/11 in custody. Too easy to be a witch hunt, IMO. I have said before that I am certain that there are people in the world that should probably just be killed outright, but I admit that I am not wise enough to determine that in most cases.
My overall feelings on the death penalty are changing. Without hesitation, my instinct used to scream "give him the needle". Now I'm not so committed to this way of thinking. These days my feelings on alot of pertinent military/political subjects seem to be changing. Maybe I'm just thinking about it more, instead of just joining in with the safe and conventional conservative way of thinking thinking.
I disagree with the dealth penalty for 2 reasons. 1) I think murderers/criminals should be given a chance to know God and repent. 2) The dealth penalty is too easy. It's letting them off the hook. Murderers should spend the rest of their life in jail, BUT, I believe, as a more severe punishment than jail time, at any time they desire, a relative or friend of a victim should have the right to confront the murderer to talk to, yell at or someday forgive.(is this already allowed?) I think it would help the family find closure and hopefully help the murderer/criminal realize the magnitude of their mistake and turn their life around. I know I would have plenty to get off my chest if someone took a relative or friend of mine.
Jenny for President!!!!
I think I agree with Jenny! I think the death penalty is the easy way out too, and it will make him a hero somehow. I vote for life in prison w/o parole. I also like the idea of allowing people affected by his crime to have a face to face dialogue with him. I also agree with ebc... my views have changed a lot about this topic in recent months too...(Darn those Current Event Bible Classes!) Anyway, I think death would be too easy.
I second the nomination for Jenny for President.
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