Some of the comments made on this blog over the past few days have been very thought provoking. This morning someone said,
“…If there were more elders like the ones at McKnight Rd around, I might have actually stayed a Christian.”
That comment really made me think. Here are my thoughts:
Yes, McKnight Road Church of Christ has some pretty incredible shepherds. I cannot begin to tell you how they have touched my life and helped me to grow closer to the Lord. I could literally write a novel about what I have learned from them spiritually, emotionally, personally, and professionally. I could talk for hours about how they have blessed my life through prayer, laying hands on me, encouraging me, and gently disciplining me. On more than one occasion, these men have gently guided this sheep back into the flock! They are men who seek to honor God and serve the Kingdom.
At the same time, the shepherds at McKnight Road Church of Christ are just men. They are in need of the same mercy and grace as the rest of us. Please don’t let men determine if you are going to remain a faithful Christian. If you put your faith in them, you will be disappointed. I would encourage you to put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am sorry that your experience within the Churches of Christ was a negative one. I know how that goes- I was there once too. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and your family as you seek the way, the truth, and the life. Not all congregations are rigid and legalistic. Find one that works for you and put your faith in the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords…not a group of men who shepherd any one given flock. They are JUST MEN.
I am thankful for your knowledge of the Scriptures and your desire to understand things better, and to help others understand your point of view. Keep seeking…Keep knocking…the door will be opened!
i appreciate your comments so much, Conni. You are truly a remarkable person, and I appreciate so much our dialogue. I hope it continues.
after everything that has been said and done. . .you are really alright.
Thanks for your kind comments about the shepherds at McKnight. It is a privilege to serve with men who seek to follow the Shepherd of us all.
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