Monday, April 17, 2006

Not Offended

I have received a couple of emails from people who are afraid that they offended me today with their comments made in regards to my Easter posts. Well to clear the air, let me say I am saddened; I am not offended.

You see, I posted about my Easter experience. I enjoyed our worship services, and I am very okay with calling Easter a “special Sunday.” I simply posted about my overwhelming joy as I celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the grace and peace and love I find through Him. No one can take that away from me. My joy is in Jesus Christ, not in men. It is okay with me if you want to challenge that joy- my faith is solid and I find my hope in Him.

If you celebrated Easter at the Catholic Church, in your living room, at the Baptist Church, at the Church of Christ on the corner, at the local soup kitchen, or by offering a kind word to the lady in front of you at Wal-mart, I am thankful that you recognized the resurrection of Jesus in some way. I think that ANY time the world wants to pause and recognize Jesus; it is a VERY good thing. We all have our own beliefs, our own faiths, and our own ways of celebrating religious holidays. I wish you had all been at McKnight because we had a beautiful and honoring service remembering the miracle of Easter. Consider yourself invited next year! (But keep in mind that we are likely to have a solo or two, a few special readings, maybe some by women, and the topic will certainly be about the empty tomb….so if you find that offensive, please don’t come.)

I am somewhat troubled how Scripture was twisted and turned in some of the comments yesterday and today. But, I guess it all comes down to interpretation. In the past few years, I have learned that if I want to, I can make the Bible say pretty much whatever I want it to say. If I pick and choose verses, I can prove that slavery is okay, stoning someone for adultery is okay, instrumental music and dancing during worship are okay, (and not okay) and we all are sinning because we haven’t sold everything that we have to give it to the poor. God gave us a beautiful book. It is my choice to look at that book as an amazing love story, not a book of “do this or don’t do this… and if you do, or don’t, you are going to hell.”

I am thankful that I am a child of God’s and that I am saved by His mercy and grace.

So to answer your question, no, I am not offended.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Conni. I don't like legalese in religion, I just want to love God and worship in a way that brings me closer to God and my fellow man. For me, that is in a Catholic Church. For most of my neighbors here in the south, that is in a Baptist Church. For you, that is at McKnight Road. My best friend chooses to attend a Methodist Church. We all love the same God and His Son, Jesus. We all worship Him and give Him glory, we just choose to do so in a different way, and that is okay. We are all different and we all have different needs, and those needs must be met in a way that brings us closer to God.

I am very happy to know that you had a wonderful worship service on Easter Sunday. I did not get to attend Mass this year, but I think God understands as I was taking care of His children at the pediatric hospital where I work as a nurse. However, I think I got to experience the joy of the gift of salvation as much as anyone while taking care of those precious children.

We are all blessed to have a relationship with Jesus, our Savior. I just think we need to remember what He said about loving one another. Paul also reminded us very eloquently about Love and how it is our greatest gift.

So, belatedly, I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter Sunday. I know mine did :o)

Anonymous said...

Pu leeese Conni. . .

You know that it takes comments about my weight or my music to offend me. . .


Becky said...

I was reading a chapter in "Blue Like Jazz" last night by Donald Miller, and there is this quote that I just have to share! :)..."Too much of our time is spent trying to chart God on a grid, and too little is spent allowing our hearts to feel awe. By reducing Christian spirituality to formula, we deprive our hearts of wonder." I know your heart is full of "wonder", Conni! It's a beautiful thing!

Conni H. said...

BECKY- that rocks! I may have to blog about that quote sometime!

Thanks for sharing.

By the way- I loved singing with you on are amazing!

Guatorean Daddy said...

You mean we can dance at church? I'm just getting used to the occasional clapping and lifting of hands, and women wearing jewelry :)

By the way, Blue Like Jazz is one incredible book. For those who haven't read it-this can change your approach to humility and sharing the Good News. For example the "Confession Booth" the author and others set up at their local college.

Anonymous said...

I have not had a chance to be on your blog for some time. I am so thankful for your positive worship experience. When I read the responses to your experience, I was deeply saddened by what anony. had to say. Why is the anger so close to the surface? One of the comments that was discussed was reaching the newcomers. I want to ask the opinion of anonymous in reference to that. I have recently been taking a class on evangelism in ehich the main focus is meeting the lost where they are. We can not being to preach the gospel into their lives until we have a point of contact. When Paul spoke to the gentiles, he spoke to their points of reference. When I read the comments about the importance of a building, song books and stuff. I thought that is important to making worship flow more smoothly. However, when recently I have noticed that christians are beating up on other christians regularly. when was the last time any of us used that energy to develop intimate gospel filled realtionships with non-believers. If I was a non-christian reading this blog I would not be attracted to christ at all. i can get fighting and contention on reality television. Please do not mis understand me tradition, doctrine and study of god's word is paramount to the christian's live. But so is loving and listening to each other. If we really want to demonstrate god's love we need to learn to see everyone (even those who express their worship experience in different ways then us) in light of the fact that we are all made in the image of God and that spiritaully maturation is a journey. I would love to hear what you think about this because I was EXTERMELY CONCERNED by the levels of hostile that where coming across the blog spot. i am going to pray that their in common ground and that in Christ we can learn to love each other deeply. G