Destin was my buddy at the prayer breakfast this morning. After he showed me his new fireman boots, he asked me if he could come and sit by me, and of course I said, “YES!” I was pretty impressed with him. He sat very quietly for a long time. He had his crayons and his paper, and was drawing pictures of himself tackling his daddy. He’s not a bad artist. After I had finished with my turn praying, Destin leaned over to me and said, “Miss Conni, will you draw me a sailboat?” (For the full effect, be sure to add the southern twang to that as you read it.) Since he had sat so quietly for so long, he was starting to get a bit antsy. So, I said. “Sure.” So, I proceeded to draw (or try to draw) a sailboat. After that, he asked me to draw fish…so I did. Then I drew a stick man on top of the waves. He was stunned. He looked at me, and whispered, “Miss Conni….people cannot walk on top of the….OH, THAT IS JESUS!” I said, “That’s right honey, it is Jesus.” Destin smiled and just said, “Cool!” Destin has obviously has been paying attention in Bible class…and his mom and dad might have something to do with his knowledge too!
Destin is one of my special buddies at McKnight, and I am thankful for his love and heart for Jesus! I am glad that I have the opportunity to be one of the many, many people who have an influence in his life, even if it is just by drawing a very lame sailboat!
Destin is a great kid! His parents must be doing something right : ) I am surprised that he didn't ask you to draw a fire truck : ) He will grow up to be a great man!
You are ALL RIGHT!
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