Jason and I were talking about the songs that we sing at church, and he mentioned that he misses some of the “older, more traditional” songs. He really likes the old classics like “Sing and Be Happy,” “Trust and Obey,” and “Mansion Over the Hilltop.” (GAG!) Don’t get me wrong, he likes some of the newer songs too, like “Blessed Be Your Name,” but if he were the worship leader, let’s just say the older folks would be pretty happy with his song selections. I, on the other hand would probably cry, and refuse to sing on the praise team (just kidding).
Anyway, our conversation led to this blog. I just have to ask, “What are your favorite traditional songs?” “What are your least favorite?” and “What are your favorite new (er) songs? Here are my picks:
Favorite Traditional:
How Great Thou Art
O Sacred Head
Least Favorite Traditional Songs:
He Bore it All
Farther Along
Just a Little Talk With Jesus
Just As I Am (How many verses can one song have?)
No Tears in Heaven
Favorite New (er) Songs:
Blessed Be Your Name
New Anointing
Lord, Reign in Me
In Christ Alone
Well, these are my “picks.” What about you? What do you like and dislike?
The first song I ever lead was "Trust and Obey" number 702 in the Gold song book. I was 7 years old. And as Conni mentioned that is one of my favorite traditional songs. I love the traditional songs, I am not sure why, probably because those are the ones I can lead and have lead since being small.
Least Favorite Traditional song:
I really don't have any
Favorite New songs:
Blessed Be Your Name
New Anointing
Lord, Reign in Me
O Sacred Head is my favorite oldie!
What a great topic. I am really liking some of the Zoe Group songs. They give me the 70/30 singing experience. I can sing only 70% without tearing or severe lumping in my throat.
I cannot think of the name of one song we sang for the Christmas service (it starts with a "D" I think). Anyways-we sung it at our former congregation in CO last month. Uplifting and Goose Pimplie. We need this in our rotation.
Favorite Newer:
Lord Reign In Me
Reedemer (supremo: sung by Becky ala' solo)
Worthy Is The Lamb
This Is How We Overcome
Favorite Traditional:
As A Deer Pants
Making sure you have this most awesome CD- HYMNS Ancient & Modern (by Passion Worship Band). A worn out favorite cd of mine!! I think its got a few on your list too..
Having left the church of Christ several years ago, one of the things that I DO miss is the A Capella singing. There is absolutely NOTHING like being in a large congregation of sincere and adept singers led by a skilled song leader or worship leader.
I must admit, that my experience with many of the newer songs that I sang/heard during my last couple of years in the church left me less than moved. Many of these were adapted from contemporary christian praise songs that were more more oriented towards an instrumental setting and the four part harmony arrangements were not, in my opinion, very interesting. I will say, in the defense of these songs, that they appeared to be more oriented to powerpoint/no songbook type of worship service with a praise team/worship leader, thus giving the members of the congregation more of an opportunity to "worship" and focus on their feelings and thoughts about God. So, I guess, as a musician, they left me a little lacking, but I understand and appreciate the opportunities for devotion that these types of songs offer.
That having been said, I think that the reverese may also be true with some of the old Stamps-Baxter spiritual songs. . .The arrangements are pretty tricky, the changing lead parts, and the lengthy verse/chorus patterns take a bit of concentration, and unless you are singing them with a congregation that is at least somewhat vocally proficient and significantly experienced with the songs themselves, you end up with a four part train wreck many times.
My FAVORITES, the songs that I find myself humming from time to time, are the "classics", many of which have already been mentioned:
O Sacred Head
Be With Me Lord
Amazing Grace
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (I mean, Come ON it's good old Ludwig Van!)
Lord We Come Before Thee Now
Flee Like a Bird
And for the record, I LOVE the Tenor line in "Just as I am". . .we could sing all six verses and then start over at the top. . .just let them repentant sinners keep coming forward!!!
I am sure that if I were to sit down with an old "Songs of the Church", I could, without too much effort, squeak out about half of them, and maybe even lead a couple.
I also have to admit, that I am not real familiar with alot of the newer type songs in more progressive congregations. . .i have never been to a church of Christ that has a praise team or features a soloist. These tyoe of "changed churches" were considered sinful during my time in the church of Christ. Kuds to Mcknight Rd. for having less concern with maintaining the status quo and adhering to the traditions of a denomination and working to create an environment that will be edifying for the members as well as worshipful to God. It demonstrates significant devotion as well as courage!
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