Our Bekah is quite a character. This picture was taken this afternoon after she came back from an informational meeting about auditioning for a theatre company. She loves the theatre; that is for sure. In fact, she talks about it non-stop. It is fun to listen to her practicing monologues, and singing Broadway tunes. Lately she has been working on her lines for Really Rosie, which is the musical that she is currently in at school. We are glad that she has something that she loves so much to be involved in.
In addition to theatre stuff, she is staying pretty busy with the youth group at church, hanging out with friends, and her studies. She was a little stressed this week, as she had to deal with final exams! YUCK! We are really proud of her; she is a great kid.
Today when we were talking about a brochure she had received in the mail, she said, “Mom, this brochure sure is adjectivistic.” I laughed. Adjectivistic? As far as I know, adjectivistic is not a word. Bekah informed me that she had just made it up and it means “a term to describe a document that contains too many adjectives.” How funny is that! Now, we can add that word to the long list of other words that she has enlightened us with over the years like “confuzzled” and “nauseagetic” and “crazified.” She is so funny, and so fun to be with.
So, between the theatre stuff and her desire to take over the title of “word master” (sorry MAR), she keeps us on our toes!
I have really enjoyed watching "our precious angel" grow and mature into a fine young christian girl. It has really shown on our weekly Daddy - Daughter days. It makes me sad that one day she will rather go out with boys than me. However, she has told me that she will always want to go out with me even after she starts dating...at 30 ; )
she is, and always HAS been an absolute hoot. . .the world is a better place cause Bekah J. is in it. . .I am truly thankful for the parents that you are and what you have done to help her bocme the person she is becoming!!!!
I will not let go of the "word master" title easily. However, Bekah sounds like comes by it naturally whereas, I really have to work at it. Bekah could only be a great kid becasue she has great parents and great friends around her. Blessings to you all.
Hey MAR, I mean "word master", that was a really nice thing to say! Thanks!
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