Do you ever feel like you don’t measure up? Do you ever feel like you are always the 2nd choice, or even the 3rd or 4th? Do you remember grade school when you loved kick-ball so much, and how you were disappointed when neither of the captains chose you 1st, or 2nd, or even 3rd? Do you remember how you felt when you were the very last one to be picked? We have all been there, and it stings when it happens.
The disappointment of being the 2nd choice isn’t reserved for kids. How many times have we been faced with the disappointment that we were not chosen for the job that we truly desired or that someone else was chosen for the promotion that we believed that we deserved? How many of us have been let down when our efforts and commitments go unnoticed, and someone else is held in high regard in the same situation even though they haven’t shown any commitment or put forth any effort? We all have been there; it is part of life, and I am sure that we all can learn a lesson from it.
As sad as it is to have to deal with these kinds of disappointments, there is great news for all of us! Each and every one of us can proudly write “GOD’S FIRST CHOICE” behind our names. That’s right- YOU ARE GOD’S FIRST CHOICE. God sent His one and only Son to die for YOU! (John 3:16) If you had been the only one who needed the blood of Christ, the plan would have stayed the same. He loves YOU that much. He cares for YOU that much. He wants YOU to be with Him that much.
You have never been God’s second choice, and you never will be. God picked YOU first to be on His team. He picked YOU first to do the work of the kingdom. He picked YOU first to extend grace and mercy to. He picked YOU to shine His light through, and He picked YOU first to spread the Gospel. God picked YOU first to offer comfort when you're hurting, and He picked YOU to love the most. How cool is that?
Sometimes I become sad when I feel like I am the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th choice, but today I was reminded that I am God’s first choice…and isn’t that what really matters? The world wants us to focus on things of the world, like if I get picked to be on the "good" kickball team. God wants us to focus on the fact that HE chose us FIRST, and He wants us to share that good news with anyone who will listen!
1 comment:
You're #1 Conni!!! :) Good blog! That's refreshing to hear.. thanks! I missed you on Sunday! Talk to you soon!
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