We are now 50 weeks into the process, and I wonder how many folks are still following the plan. I know of a few who are still doing it, as I have had conversations with them about particular readings. I have tried really hard to stay caught up. I will admit that it has been extremely difficult. After having surgery in January, (which left me unable to lift my arms up, or tilt my head down) and then repeating the same surgery in October (which left me with the same limitations), I fell way behind! I mean WAY behind.
On Sunday I read 3 John. Guess what? That was the scheduled reading for the day! Hooray! I am finally caught up with only 2 weeks to go! Lord willing, I think I am going to make it!
How are you doing on your daily Bible reading? What is your plan for next year?
I think it is great that you have kept up with it, even with the surgery's!
I have not kept up with mine but one of my New Year Resolution's will be to keep up with it next year even if the church does not do it, I will do it on my own : )
If you have made it this far, you will make it. Unfortunately, I can't say that I will make it through the whole thing this year!
This is a great accomplishment!
Hoo, Hoo! Congrats on your diligence. I am a slacker when it comes to the yearly reading of the Word. I will strongly consider it for 2006. Quite a few times I have picked up the Bible and read a story or 2 that I didn't know, or really enjoyed and benefited from.
You should feel a great sense of occomplishment in reading the Bible all the way through in one year. God promises His blessing upon those who recieve His Word. So look up...I expect a blessing is on the way. Come to think of it, you probably have been receiving them all year long.
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