If you are reading this blog, chances are you know me, and probably know me well. You may already know that Christmas is a very hard time of year for me for a number of reasons. It really doesn’t matter why Christmas makes me feel uncomfortable, or what it makes me think about, or that it reminds me of loved ones that have departed from this earth. What matters is that God sent an amazing gift just over 2000 years ago; that is what needs to be the focus. I often get angry when I see so much emphasis put on Santa and shopping. I whole-heartedly believe that Jesus is the reason for this season, and it makes me a little bit unhappy when people fail to see that. Today I had an epiphany of sorts. It dawned on me that it is just as wrong for me to focus on my pain that is stirred around this time of year as it is for people to turn the season into a Santa affair. In both situations, the focus is wrong.
A baby was born to save the world. If I had been the only one who needed this gift, He still would have sent His Son through a virgin girl. Praise be to God! This gift is better than anything that this world can afford. It can’t be bought, bartered for, or even earned. God gave me Jesus Christ! The gift of Him, the one and only Savior, is the ONLY reason for this season. No pain or loss should ever over power that fact.
I am praying for full healing of a broken heart. I am praying that God will bless my life and my journey so that I will focus on Him, and remember that Christmas is all about the greatest gift ever given.
I am praying for a blessing for you this Christmas too and I am praying that you will remember a baby boy wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger waiting to rescue you from a sinful world. I am praying that we all can see that Jesus is the reason for the season, and the bottom line is…nothing else really matters.
Jesus is the reason for the season, I know that at times, I lose sight of this also. I love the Christmas season, I love the lights, I love the wrapping paper, I love getting the gifts for my family and my friends, and I especially love the food : )
It is ok for us to enjoy these things but I do need to remember that Jesus is the reason and if it was not for him, I would not have the blessings that I have today, I would not be where and who I am today without him. I would not be saved without him. I can go on and on but I think you know.
Thank you for reminding me that Jesus is the reason for the season. I love you!
I read your blog almost everyday. You really give me a lot to think about. I am impressed with your openness, and how you are not afraid to say that you aren't perfect. Today's post was a great example of that attitude. It is not easy to admit when we have an area that needs significant improvement. You make such admissions so gracefully.
Even though I don't know you, I have added you to my prayer list. I hope you keep this blog up, it encourages me to keep growing in the Lord.
I am moved. . .i understand the significance. You touch my heart.
You are incredible and have my sincere admiration.
What more can I say?
Dear 3q98yrhqspdogq34-8[qwie0,
Thanks...not sure what is incredible... but thanks for your kind words.
May the Lord who gave us His son bless your life with the knowledge that His love is not tied to a season! God is good all the time!
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